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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
531 * !
Thu, 8/11/2022,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
Precision Medicine: Methods, Tools, and Applications — Invited Papers
Biometrics Section, WNAR, Mental Health Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Yichuan Zhao, Georgia State University
Chair(s): Yichuan Zhao, Georgia State University
10:35 AM
Using Discrete Choice Modeling for Incorporating Patient Preference into Precision Medicine
Joshua Zitovsky, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Michael Kosorok, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
11:00 AM
Simultaneous Modeling of the Mean and Within-Subject Variability Trajectories of a Longitudinal Biomarker Together with a Competing Risks Time-to-Event Outcome
Gang Li, University of California, Los Angeles; Shanpeng Li, UCLA; Jin Zhou, UCLA; Hua Zhou, UCLA
11:25 AM
New Statistical Learning Methods for Evaluating Personalized Health Care Decision Rules
Lu Wang, University of Michigan
11:50 AM
Discussant: Peter Song, University of Michigan
12:10 PM
Floor Discussion
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