Thu, 8/12/2021,
12:00 PM -
1:50 PM
Software — Contributed Speed
Section on Statistical Computing
Chair(s): Jiaxin Hu, Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
12:05 PM
Bootstrapping Multilevel Models in R Using Lmeresampler
Adam Loy, Carleton College
12:10 PM
Scalable ADMM for Fitting Semiparametric AFT Models in High Dimensions
Piotr Mikolaj Suder, University of Florida; Aaron Molstad, University of Florida
12:15 PM
Partitioning t Test Result Aggregations in Multiple Imputation
Jianjun Wang, California State University, Bakersfield
12:20 PM
Coding Translations in Statistical Programming
David Shilane, Columbia University
12:25 PM
Tidy Simulation and Power Analyses
Brandon LeBeau, University of Iowa
12:30 PM
A Rotation Method by Using the Gini Coefficient
Jun Tsuchida, Doshisha University; Hiroshi Yadohisa, Doshisha University
12:35 PM
Price Behavior of Individual S&P Stocks in the Crash of 2020
James A Shine, US Army Corps of Engineers (retired); James E Gentle, George Mason University (retired)
12:40 PM
Reduced Rank Estimation in Mixtures of Multivariate Linear Regression
Suyeon Kang, University of California, Riverside; Kun Chen, University of Connecticut; Weixin Yao, University of California, Riverside
12:45 PM
Approximation of Infinite Sums by Adaptive Truncation: Applications to Statistics
Luiz Max Carvalho, School of Applied Mathematics, Getulio Vargas Foundation; Guido Alberti Moreira, Department of Statistics, Federal University of Minas Gerais
12:50 PM
Optimal Equivalence Testing in Exponential Families
Robert Paige, Missouri S&T; Renren Zhao, College of Coastal Georgia
1:00 PM
Designed-based Estimators for Serial Mediation Effects in Complex Surveys
Yujiao Mai, TBD; Deo Kumar Srivastava, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
1:05 PM
Asymmetric Estimation of Low Rank Matrix: Statistical and Computational Limits
Yuchen Wu, Stanford University; Andrea Montanari, Stanford University
1:10 PM
The s-value: evaluating stability with respect to distributional shifts
Suyash Gupta, Stanford University; Dominik Rothenhausler, Stanford University
1:15 PM
Data-Driven Smoothing Parameter Selection in Density Estimation
Sachithra Gangadari Rathnayake Opathalage, University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB; Alexandre Leblanc, University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, MB
1:20 PM
A Principal Stratification M-Estimator Using Principal Scores
Adam C Sales, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
1:25 PM
The Role of Academic Statistical Consulting Centers in the Era of Big Data
1:30 PM
Statistical Methods of Percentile Estimation and Inference for Large-Scale Data in Real Time
Tianhong He, Google; Siteng Hao, Google; Meeyoung Park, Google
1:35 PM
Second-Order Asymptotics of the Empirical Process Under Long-Range Dependence
Marie-Christine Düker, Cornell University; Annika Betken, University of Twente
1:40 PM
A Gaussian copula joint model for longitudinal and time to event data with random effects
Zili Zhang, The University of Manchester; Christiana Charalambous, University of Manchester; Peter Foster, The University of Manchester