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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 321 - Machine Learning and Variable Selection
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 : 3:30 PM to 5:20 PM
Sponsor: Section on Statistical Computing
Abstract #318348
Title: Robust Boosting for Regression Problems
Author(s): Xiaomeng Ju* and Matias Salibian-Barrera
Companies: University of British Columbia and University of British Columbia
Keywords: Boosting; Regression; Robustness

Boosting offers an approach to obtaining non-parametric regression estimators that are scalable to applications with many explanatory variables. In spite of its popularity and practical success, it is well-known that boosting may provide poor estimates when data have outliers. We present a two-stage robust boosting algorithm which first minimizes a robust residual scale estimator, and then improves it by optimizing a bounded loss function. Unlike previous robust boosting proposals this approach does not require computing an ad-hoc residual scale estimator in each boosting iteration. The effectiveness of our method is illustrated using simulated and benchmark data and it compares favorably to existing methods: with clean data, our method works equally well as gradient boosting with the squared loss; with symmetric and asymmetrically contaminated data, our proposal outperforms other boosting methods (robust or otherwise) in terms of prediction error. We implemented the proposed method as an R package "RRBoost" that is available from CRAN.

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