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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 285 - New Advances in Sample Design and Adjusting for Survey Nonresponse
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 : 1:30 PM to 3:20 PM
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract #317886
Title: A Comparison of Two CHAID Packages for Modeling Survey Nonresponse
Author(s): Tien-Huan Lin* and Carlos Arieira and Ismael Flores Cervantes and Mike Kwanisai and Jennifer Kali
Companies: Westat and Westat and Westat and Westat and Westat
Keywords: Survey weighting adjustments; Weighting class; Nonresponse; CHAID; SAS; HPSPLIT

When computing survey weights for use in analysis of complex sample survey data, it is common practice to mitigate bias due to unit nonresponse by modeling response propensity and adjusting weights to account for different response propensities. The CHAID (Chi-square Automatic Interactive Detector) algorithm is commonly utilized to produce weighting classes for this purpose. We review two popular software packages that implement the CHAID algorithm: SI-CHAID and HPSPLIT. SI-CHAID is an interactive stand-alone GUI that is easy to manipulate and produces informative graphical images of the decision tree, but requires manual intervention and additional effort to incorporate into a code-based environment. HPSPLIT is a SAS code-based procedure. However, manipulation of the tree is less intuitive and the graphical representation of the tree is less informative than SI-CHAID. We empirically evaluate the two packages in terms of the resulting bias and variance of the weighted estimates using simulations of a complex survey sample design to examine the interchangeability of the two software packages such that users can determine the software that best meets the analysis needs of the study.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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