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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 15 - Emerging Statistical Challenges and Opportunities in Mental Health Research
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Sunday, August 8, 2021 : 1:30 PM to 3:20 PM
Sponsor: Mental Health Statistics Section
Abstract #316682
Title: Emerging Statistical Challenges and Opportunities in Mental Health Research

Mental health research (MHR) increasingly relies on the collection and analysis of complex and multimodal data. Statisticians (data scientists) have a critical role in making sound and efficient use of these data to answer important research questions. This invited panel session will focus on (1) the statistical challenges and opportunities that arise in cutting edge MHR, (2) where statisticians and data scientists can contribute to the advancement of MHR, (3) what developments will be necessary to keep pace with the evermore complex data arising from MHR, and (4) what are some of the priorities of MHR according to funding agencies like the NIMH. The panel of highly respected researchers will draw on their wealth of experiences in statistical leadership in mental health research to address these topics in an engaging format. Each panelist will give a brief overview of one or more projects that they have worked on that touches on the topics mentioned above. The remaining time will be dedicated to a structured discussion of these topics.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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