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130 * ! Mon, 8/3/2020, 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM Virtual
Advances in Resource Allocation for Epidemic Control: Estimation, Optimization, and Counterfactuals — Topic Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology, Health Policy Statistics Section, Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences
Organizer(s): Soheil Eshghi, Yale School of Public Health
Chair(s): David Kline, Ohio State University
1:05 PM Testing Infection Graphs
Justin Khim, Carnegie Mellon Univ
1:25 PM The Cost of Uncertainty in Curing Epidemics
Jessica Hoffmann, University of Texas At Austin
1:45 PM Large-Scale Epidemic Control via Matrix Balancing
Van Sy Mai, National Institute of Standards and Technology; Abdella Battou, National Institute of Standards and Technology
2:05 PM Optimal Resource Allocation for Containment of Epidemics
Jorge Francisco Barreras, University of Pennsylvania; Victor Miguel Preciado, University of Pennsylvania
2:25 PM Dynamic Policy Counterfactuals: Evaluating Contact-Tracing in the EVD Outbreak in Liberia 2014-16
Soheil Eshghi, Yale School of Public Health; Forrest W. Crawford, Yale University
2:45 PM Floor Discussion