Thu, 8/6/2020,
10:00 AM -
2:00 PM
Learning Beyond the Introductory Statistics Classroom — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Chair(s): Amelia McNamara, University of St Thomas
Understanding P-Values Through Interactive Online Activities
Shonda Kuiper, Grinnell College
“Training Wheels” Vs “Racing Wheels” for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Yuting Tian, Vertex Pharmaceutical; Todd Case, Vertex Pharmaceutical
The Duke AI Health Data Science Fellowship Program: Training the Next Generation of Health Data Scientists Through Real World Experience
Lisa Wruck, Duke Clinical Research Institute; Robert Overton, Duke Clinical Research Institute; Silvana Lawvere, Duke Clinical Research Institute; Ricardo Henao, Duke Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Biostatistics and Bioinformatics; David Page, Duke Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics; Michael Pencina, Duke School of Medicine; Lawrence Carin, Duke University
The Great P-Value Debate
Jennifer Broatch, Arizona State University
Teaching Data Science with JupyterLab
Brian Gaines, SAS Institute
Integrating Data Science and Social Science in Workforce Development
Brian Kim, University of Maryland; Frauke Kreuter, University of Maryland, University of Mannheim & IAB; Julia Lane, New York University; Rayid Ghani, Carnegie Mellon University
Statistics (And Data Science) as Presented in the Classification of Instructional Program (CIP)
John McKenzie, Babson College