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Mon, 8/3/2020,
1:00 PM -
2:50 PM
Advances in Nowcasting of Macroeconomic Variables: New Methods and Applications — Topic Contributed Papers
Business and Economic Statistics Section, Government Statistics Section, International Statistical Institute
Organizer(s): Baoline Chen, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Chair(s): Kyle Hood, Bureau of Economic Analysis
1:05 PM
Nowcasting Advance Estimate of Quarterly Personal Consumption of Services in the U.S. National Accounts
Baoline Chen, Bureau of Economic Analysis; Kyle Hood, Bureau of Economic Analysis
1:25 PM
Nowcasting Canadian GDP with Density Combinations
Tony Chernis, Bank of Canada; Taylor Webley, Bank of Canada
1:45 PM
Nowcasting Macroeconomic Aggregates in Argentina: Comparing Different Approaches
Laura Inés D Amato, IIEP University of Buenos Aures; Emilio Blanco, Central Bank of Argentina; María Lorena Garegnani, Central Bank of Argentina; Fiorella D Dogliolo, Central Bank of Argentina
2:05 PM
Nowcasting Industrial Production Using Unconventional Data Sources
Paolo Fornaro, Research Institute of the Finnish Economy
2:25 PM
Real-Time Density Nowcasts of U.S. Inflation: A Model-Combination Approach
Saeed Zaman, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and University of Strathclyde; Edward S. Knotek II, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
2:45 PM
Floor Discussion