Wed, 8/5/2020,
10:00 AM -
11:50 AM
Theoretical Advances in Deep Learning — Invited Papers
IMS, Section on Nonparametric Statistics, International Indian Statistical Association
Organizer(s): Po-Ling Loh, UW-Madison
Chair(s): Po-Ling Loh, UW-Madison
10:05 AM
Good Linear Classifiers Are Abundant in the Interpolating Regime
Jason Klusowski, Rutgers University; Ryan Theisen, UC Berkeley; Michael Mahoney, UC Berkeley
10:20 AM
Multiple Descent Phenomenon, Risk of Minimum-Norm Interpolants and Restricted Lower Isometry of Kernels
Tengyuan Liang, University of Chicago
10:35 AM
Polylogarithmic Width Suffices for Gradient Descent to Achieve Arbitrarily Small Test Error with Shallow ReLU Networks
Matus Telgarsky, University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
10:50 AM
Discussant: Edgar Dobriban, University of Pennsylvania
11:05 AM
Discussant: Daniel Hsu, Columbia University
11:20 AM
Discussant: Mikhail Belkin, Ohio State University
11:30 AM
Floor Discussion