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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 283 - Theoretical Advances in Deep Learning
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 : 10:00 AM to 11:50 AM
Sponsor: IMS
Abstract #309302
Title: Multiple Descent Phenomenon, Risk of Minimum-Norm Interpolants and Restricted Lower Isometry of Kernels
Author(s): Tengyuan Liang*
Companies: University of Chicago

We study the risk of minimum-norm interpolants of data in a reproducing kernel hilbert space, where kernel is defined as a function of the inner product. Our upper bounds on the risk are of a multiple-descent shape for the various scalings of d=n^alpha, where alpha is in [0,1], for the input dimension d and sample size n. At the heart of our analysis is a study of spectral properties of the random kernel matrix restricted to a filtration of eigen-spaces of the population covariance operator. Since gradient flow on appropriately initialized wide neural networks converges to a minimum-norm interpolant, the analysis also yields estimation guarantees for these models.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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