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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 358 - New Concepts and Activities for Teaching Statistics
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 : 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Sponsor: Section on Statistics and Data Science Education
Abstract #312814
Title: Context in the Classroom – Getting More Experts Involved Through Videos in Courses
Author(s): Scott Toney*
Companies: University of Denver
Keywords: video mini cases; Real World Context

Context is everything in Data Analytics. The audience for the analysis, the environment for the data creation and collection, and the purpose of the work are critical to everyone involved. Classrooms activities on the other hand are notoriously removed from the context in order to facilitate focused learning on specific technical topics. Getting more experts into the classroom to provide the real life context for the work they do and the topics students are learning would be ideal, but the time required is often overwhelming. This talk will show specific techniques to create video supported mini cases that allow experts to interact with classes, but not force them to show up to section after section, year after year. Students get practice with new techniques infused with real world contextual goodness. Teachers have their lessons supported by outside experts. Everyone wins.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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