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CC = Colorado Convention Center   H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
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Activity Details

89 Sun, 7/28/2019, 5:05 PM - 5:50 PM CC-Hall C
SPEED: Survey Methods, Transportation Studies, SocioEconomics, and General Statistical Methods Part 2 — Contributed Poster Presentations
Survey Research Methods Section, Transportation Statistics Interest Group, Quality and Productivity Section, Business and Economic Statistics Section, IMS
Chair(s): Georgiy Bobashev, Research Triangle Institute
Oral Presentations for this session.
20: Frame Development and Sample Design for the 2018 National Survey of Children's Health
Emilee Sizemore, US Census Bureau; Tracy Mattingly, US Census Bureau; Antoinette Lubich, US Census Bureau
21: A Modeling Approach to Compensate for Nonresponse and Selection Bias in Surveys
Tien-Huan Lin, Westat; Ismael Flores Cervantes, Westat
22: A Comparison of Clustering Criteria for Evaluating Multivariate Stratifications of Primary Sampling Units
Padraic Murphy, U.S. Census Bureau
23: Statistical Data Integration and Inference via Multilevel Regression and Poststratification
Yajuan Si, University of Michigan
25: Comparing the Performance of Machine Learning and Semiparametric Regression Methods for Prediction of Travel Times and Flows on Urban Mass Transit Systems
Daniel Graham, Imperial College London
26: The Relationship Between Driver Performance and Driver Workload Using Functional Data Analysis
Jundi Liu, University of Washington; Erika Miller, Colorado State University; Linda Ng Boyle, University of Washington
27: Causal Impacts of New Urban Transit Provision on Air Quality: a Case Study of Jubilee Line Extension in London
Liang Ma, Imperial College London; Marc E. J. Stettler, Imperial College London; Daniel Graham, Imperial College London
28: Comparing the Quality of Online to Interviewer-Gathered Survey Data: Preliminary Results from the 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances Web Experiment
Richard Windle, Federal Reserve Board
29: Cluster-Stratified Outcome-Dependent Sampling in Resource-Limited Settings: Inference and Small-Sample Considerations
Sara Sauer, Harvard School of Public Health; Bethany Hedt-Gauthier, Harvard Medical School; Claudia Rivera-Rodriguez, University of Auckland; Sebastien Haneuse, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
30: Bayesian Uncertainty Estimation Under Complex Sampling
Matthew Williams, National Science Foundation; Terrance Savitsky, Bureau of Labor Statistics
31: How Hard Is it to Remove Mode Effects in Multimode Surveys? Basic Weighting V. Three Model-Based Methods
Matt Jans; Randy ZuWallack, ICF; Kelly Martin, ICF; Thomas Brassell, ICF; James Dayton, ICF; Stephen Immerwahr, NYC DOHMH; Amber Levanon Seligson, NYC DOHMH; Sahnah Lim, NYU
33: Use of Matching Algorithms to Determine Unit Eligibility
Brandon Hopkins, RTI International; Kimberly Ault, RTI International
34: Use of an Artificial Realistic Dataset to Compare the Performance of Different Cross-Sectional Methods for Estimating Crash Modification Factors
Bo Lan, University of North Carolina; Raghavan Srinivasan, University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center
35: Does Location Matter? a Case-Study of the Influence of Geography in Measurement of Gasoline Price Inflation
David Popko, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Ilmo Sung., U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
36: DOE Optimization of Managing Trip in Europe
Charles Chen, Applied Materials; Mason Chen, Mission San Jose High School, Stanford OHS; Brianna Zheng, Basis School
37: Estimating Generalized Linear Models with the Pseudo-Marginal Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
Taylor Brown, University of Virginia; Tim McMurry, University of Virginia School of Medicine
38: Two-Step Estimation for Time Varying ARCH Models
Yuanyuan Zhang; Rong Liu, University of Toledo; Qin Shao, University of Toledo; Lijian Yang, Tsinghua University