CC = Colorado Convention Center H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
50 *
Sun, 7/28/2019,
4:00 PM -
5:50 PM
Statistical Methods Applied to Discrimination: Recent Contributions from the Journal — Invited Papers
Statistics and Public Policy, Social Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Mike L. Cohen, Committee on National Statistics
Chair(s): Jerry Reiter, Duke University
4:05 PM
Salary Differentials by Gender and Discipline
Lynne Billard, University of Georgia
4:30 PM
Assessing the Impact of Voter ID Laws
Kelly McConville, Reed College; S. Lynne Stokes, Southern Methodist University; Mary Gray, American University
4:55 PM
Data Bias, Algorithmic Fairness and Evaluating Discriminatory Impacts in Predictive Policing
P. Jeffrey Brantingham, UCLA Department of Anthropology; George Mohler, Indiana University – Perdue University Indianapolis
5:20 PM
Discussant: David Banks, SAMSI/Duke University
5:45 PM
Floor Discussion