Sun, 7/28/2019,
5:05 PM -
5:50 PM
CC-Hall C
SPEED: Survey Methods, Transportation Studies, SocioEconomics, and General Statistical Methods Part 2 — Contributed Poster Presentations
Survey Research Methods Section , Transportation Statistics Interest Group, Quality and Productivity Section, Business and Economic Statistics Section, IMS
Chair(s): Georgiy Bobashev, Research Triangle Institute
Oral Presentations
for this session.
Frame Development and Sample Design for the 2018 National Survey of Children's Health
Emilee Sizemore, US Census Bureau ; Tracy Mattingly, US Census Bureau; Antoinette Lubich, US Census Bureau
A Modeling Approach to Compensate for Nonresponse and Selection Bias in Surveys
Tien-Huan Lin, Westat ; Ismael Flores Cervantes, Westat
A Comparison of Clustering Criteria for Evaluating Multivariate Stratifications of Primary Sampling Units
Padraic Murphy, U.S. Census Bureau
Statistical Data Integration and Inference via Multilevel Regression and Poststratification
Yajuan Si, University of Michigan
Comparing the Performance of Machine Learning and Semiparametric Regression Methods for Prediction of Travel Times and Flows on Urban Mass Transit Systems
Daniel Graham, Imperial College London
The Relationship Between Driver Performance and Driver Workload Using Functional Data Analysis
Jundi Liu, University of Washington ; Erika Miller, Colorado State University; Linda Ng Boyle, University of Washington
Causal Impacts of New Urban Transit Provision on Air Quality: a Case Study of Jubilee Line Extension in London
Liang Ma, Imperial College London ; Marc E. J. Stettler, Imperial College London; Daniel Graham, Imperial College London
Comparing the Quality of Online to Interviewer-Gathered Survey Data: Preliminary Results from the 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances Web Experiment
Richard Windle, Federal Reserve Board
Cluster-Stratified Outcome-Dependent Sampling in Resource-Limited Settings: Inference and Small-Sample Considerations
Sara Sauer, Harvard School of Public Health ; Bethany Hedt-Gauthier, Harvard Medical School; Claudia Rivera-Rodriguez, University of Auckland; Sebastien Haneuse, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Bayesian Uncertainty Estimation Under Complex Sampling
Matthew Williams, National Science Foundation ; Terrance Savitsky, Bureau of Labor Statistics
How Hard Is it to Remove Mode Effects in Multimode Surveys? Basic Weighting V. Three Model-Based Methods
Matt Jans ; Randy ZuWallack, ICF; Kelly Martin, ICF; Thomas Brassell, ICF; James Dayton, ICF; Stephen Immerwahr, NYC DOHMH; Amber Levanon Seligson, NYC DOHMH; Sahnah Lim, NYU
Use of Matching Algorithms to Determine Unit Eligibility
Brandon Hopkins, RTI International ; Kimberly Ault, RTI International
Use of an Artificial Realistic Dataset to Compare the Performance of Different Cross-Sectional Methods for Estimating Crash Modification Factors
Bo Lan, University of North Carolina ; Raghavan Srinivasan, University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center
Does Location Matter? a Case-Study of the Influence of Geography in Measurement of Gasoline Price Inflation
David Popko, Bureau of Labor Statistics ; Ilmo Sung., U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
DOE Optimization of Managing Trip in Europe
Charles Chen, Applied Materials ; Mason Chen, Mission San Jose High School, Stanford OHS; Brianna Zheng, Basis School
Estimating Generalized Linear Models with the Pseudo-Marginal Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
Taylor Brown, University of Virginia ; Tim McMurry, University of Virginia School of Medicine
Two-Step Estimation for Time Varying ARCH Models
Yuanyuan Zhang ; Rong Liu, University of Toledo; Qin Shao, University of Toledo; Lijian Yang, Tsinghua University