Tue, 7/30/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Innovations in and Applications of Imputation — Contributed Papers
Government Statistics Section
Chair(s): Randall Powers, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
8:35 AM
Simulation Study to Compare Imputation at the ELI-PSU Level Versus the ITEM-AREA Level
Onimissi M Sheidu, Bureau of Labor Statistics
8:50 AM
Imputing Seasonal Data in an Advanced Indicator with Forecasts from X-13ARIMA-SEATS
Nicole Czaplicki, U.S. Census Bureau; Yarissa Gonzalez, U.S. Census Bureau
9:05 AM
Imputation in the American Housing Survey: Comparing Multiple Imputation with Current Hot Deck Methods
Sean Dalby, US Census Bureau
9:20 AM
Redefining Viability in Data Collection and Its Impact on Estimation
Leland Righter, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Alice Yu; Bradley Rhein, Bureau of Labor Statistics
9:35 AM
An Algorithm of Generalized Robust Ratio Model Estimation for Imputation
Kazumi Wada, National Statistics Center, Japan; Seiji Takata, Shiga University; Hiroe Tsubaki, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
9:50 AM
Exploring the Performance of IVEware and Proc MI with Ordinal Categorical Data
Valbona Bejleri, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service; Andrew Dau, National Agricultural Statistics Service; Darcy Miller, National Agricultural Statistics Service
10:05 AM
An Empirical Study of Correlation Coefficient Aggregation in Multiple Imputation
Jianjun Wang; Xin Ma, University of Kentucky