CC = Colorado Convention Center H = Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
276 * !
Tue, 7/30/2019,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Statistical Methods for Improving Inferences and Decision-Making in Population Health — Invited Papers
ENAR, Section on Statistics in Epidemiology, Biometrics Section
Organizer(s): Zhenke Wu, University of Michigan
Chair(s): Jacob Fiksel, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
8:35 AM
Bayesian Calibration of Verbal Autopsy Algorithms in Data-Scarce Settings
Abhi Datta, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
9:00 AM
Robust Decisions from Modeled Estimators
Jishnu Das, The World Bank; Roy Van der Weide, The World Bank; Tyler McCormick, University of Washington
9:25 AM
Bayesian Restricted Latent Class Models for Estimating Disease Etiologies
Zhenke Wu, University of Michigan; Scott L Zeger, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
9:50 AM
Discussant: Amy H Herring, Duke University
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion