I propose to address one research question of NYCHVS in the ASA Data Challenge Expo, which is to describe changes in housing conditions for the first and the second-generation immigrant householders in NYC. A R shiny app will visually show the changes in housing conditions. The map of NYC will be represented in the app. Given the input of Borough (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhatann, Queens or Staten Island) and subBorough, the corresponding region on the map could be highlighted or zoomed in. The housing conditions include external condition of buildings (such as external wall, windows), internal condition of the building (such as elevators, floors), condition of room facilities (such as heating, kitchen facilities). Given either one of the housing condition variable as input, the changes will be shown. The trend plot of such input variable over all avaliable years will also be shown in the app. The birth place of the father of household will be used to classify the first the generation and the second generation immigrant householders. The statistical analysis results and plots of first and second generation immigrant householders will also be shown for comparison.