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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 162 - SBSS Student Paper Award Session - I
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Monday, July 29, 2019 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Section on Bayesian Statistical Science
Abstract #307401 Presentation
Title: Survival Average Causal Effects for Continuous Time: a Principal Stratification Approach to Causal Inference with Semicompeting Risks
Author(s): Leah Comment*
Companies: Harvard Biostatistics

In semicompeting risks problems, nonterminal time-to-event outcomes such as time to hospital readmission are subject to truncation by death. These settings are often modeled with illness-death models for the hazards of the terminal and nonterminal events, but evaluating causal treatment effects with hazard models is problematic due to conditioning on survival, a post-treatment outcome. We frame the evaluation of treatment effects in the context of semicompeting risks with principal stratification and introduce two new causal estimands: the time-varying survivor average causal effect (TV-SACE) and the restricted mean survivor average causal effect (RM-SACE). These principal causal effects are defined among units that would survive regardless of assigned treatment. We adopt a Bayesian estimation procedure that parameterizes illness-death models for both treatment arms. We outline a frailty specification accommodating within-person correlation between nonterminal and terminal event times, and we discuss potential avenues for adding model flexibility. The method is demonstrated in the context of hospital readmission among late-stage pancreatic cancer patients.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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