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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 654 - Evaluating and Reducing Nonsampling Errors in Surveys
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Thursday, August 1, 2019 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Government Statistics Section
Abstract #306970
Title: Estimating and Understanding the Language and Communication Needs of the Civilian Labor Force Population
Author(s): JUSTIN WEST and Qi Wang and Jiashen You and Benjamin Overholt*
Companies: US EEOC and US EEOC and US EEOC and US EEOC
Keywords: ACS; Vulnerable Population Estimate; Employment Statistics; Limited English Proficiency; Internet Access

ABSTRACT: Using American Community Survey data, this paper focuses on a segment of workers defined as the protected class that is covered under U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Laws. We attempt to identify their demographic characteristics and a range of factors that may be associated with a population that may be vulnerable to such employment discrimination protection. By describing the extent to which language and technology disadvantages exist among this population, this paper underscores the importance of language assistance and diversified modes of communication while working with this population.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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