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Activity Number: 163 - Methods for Complex Data: The Next Generation
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Monday, July 29, 2019 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Business and Economic Statistics Section
Abstract #302880
Title: Learning Local Dependence in Ordered Data
Author(s): Guo Yu* and Jacob Bien
Companies: University of Washington and University of Southern California
Keywords: Local dependence; Gaussian graphical models; precision matrices; holesky factor; hierarchical group lasso

In many applications, data come with a natural ordering. This ordering can often induce local dependence among nearby variables. However, in complex data, the width of this dependence may vary, making simple assumptions such as a constant neighborhood size unrealistic. We propose a framework for learning this local dependence based on estimating the inverse of the Cholesky factor of the covariance matrix. Penalized maximum likelihood estimation of this matrix yields a simple regression interpretation for local dependence in which variables are predicted by their neighbors. Our proposed method involves solving a convex, penalized Gaussian likelihood problem with a hierarchical group lasso penalty. The problem decomposes into independent subproblems which can be solved efficiently in parallel using first-order methods. Our method yields a sparse, symmetric, positive definite estimator of the precision matrix, encoding a Gaussian graphical model. We derive theoretical results not found in existing methods attaining this structure. Empirical results show our method performing favorably compared to existing methods.

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