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Activity Details

334 Tue, 8/1/2017, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-325
SPEED: Statistical Education — Contributed Speed
Section on Statistical Education , Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences , Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science , Social Statistics Section
Chair(s): Gwendolyn Eadie, McMaster University
The Poster portion will take place during Session 214590
10:35 AM Benefits of Using Real Data Sets to Instruct Business Students in Data Mining Techniques Kathleen Garwood, Saint Joseph's University
10:40 AM A prediction model for understanding statistical replication Andrew Neath, SIU Edwardsville
10:45 AM Triathlon Road Closure Control Zonghuan (Jason) Li, Student ; Mason Chen, Mason Chen Consulting
10:50 AM Using an Alternative Sequence for Teaching an Undergraduate Introductory Statistics Phyllis Curtiss, Grand Valley State University ; Robert Pearson, Grand Valley State University
10:55 AM Reflections and Faculty Feedback on an Alternative Sequence for Teaching an Undergraduate Introductory Statistics Course Robert Pearson, Grand Valley State University ; Phyllis Curtiss, Grand Valley State University
11:00 AM Statistics as a Basic Leadership Competency: Making the Case to Executives and Educators Matthew Jones, Walden University
11:05 AM Learning Statistics with Productive Practice and Technology Brenda Gunderson, Univ of Michigan
11:10 AM Applying Logistic Regression to Student Data to Determine Retention of Students at a Large University Reema Thakkar, RTI International ; Emily Griffith, NC State University ; Stephany Dunstan, N.C. State University
11:15 AM First (?) Occurrence of the 25 Most Influential (?) Statistical Terms Introduced in the Last 20 Years John McKenzie, Babson College
11:20 AM Developing Partnerships with an AP Statistics Practice Exam Christy Brown, Clemson University ; Ellen Breazel, Clemson University ; Elizabeth Johnson, George Mason University ; Jonathan Duggins, NC State University ; Bryan Crissinger, University of Delaware
11:30 AM Helping Under Prepared Students Succeed in Introductory Statistics Paul Plummer, University of Central Missouri
11:35 AM Using Video Presentations for Assessment in Introductory Statistics Courses Melissa Pittard, University of Kentucky
11:40 AM Longitudinal Modeling in Applied Research: Implications for Improving Practice Niloofar Ramezani, University of Northern Colorado ; Kerry Duck, University of Northern Colorado ; Austin Brown, University of Northern Colorado ; Michael Floren, University of Northern Colorado ; Krystal Hinerman, Lamar University ; Trent Lalonde, University of Northern Colorado
11:45 AM P-Value as Strength of Evidence Measured by Confidence Distribution Sifan Liu, Rutgers Univ Statistics Dept
11:50 AM Definition and Confusion About Independence Robert Molnar, Oklahoma State University
11:55 AM If Only R Would Grade My Students' Projects Robin Lock, St. Lawrence University
12:00 PM Odds Ratio Versus Risk Ratio in Prevalence Trend Analysis Scott McClintock, West Chester University ; Randall Rieger, West Chester University ; Zhen-qiang Ma, Pennsylvania Department of Health
12:05 PM Using Data Mining to Identify At-Risk Freshmen Nora Galambos, Stony Brook University
12:10 PM Assessing the Effectiveness of Mentoring Youth Laura Albrecht ; Keenan O'brien, Metropolitan State University of Denver ; Matthew Shaw, Metropolitan State University of Denver
12:15 PM Floor Discussion
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