CC = Baltimore Convention Center, H = Hilton Baltimore
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
594 * !
Thu, 8/3/2017,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Spatial Risk Assessment with Environmental Applications — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and the Environment , ENAR , International Statistical Institute
Organizer(s): Ying Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Chair(s): Ying Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
8:35 AM
Heteroscedastic Asymmetric Spatial Processes (HASP)
Peter F Craigmile, The Ohio State University ; Jiangyong Yin, Google Inc.
9:00 AM
Bayesian Computing and Modeling for Nearest-Neighbor Gaussian Process Models
Sudipto Banerjee, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
9:25 AM
A Causal Inference Analysis of the Effect of Wildland Fire Smoke on Ambient Air Pollution Levels and Health Burden
Ana Rappold, US EPA ; Brian Reich, NCSU ; Alexandra Larsen, North Carolina State University
9:50 AM
Copula-Based Semiparametric Models for Spatial-Temporal Data
Huixia Judy Wang, The George Washington University ; Yanlin Tang, George Washington University ; Ying Sun, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion