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68 Sun, 7/30/2017, 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM CC-346
Government Health Statistics — Contributed Papers
Government Statistics Section
Chair(s): Jennifer Parker, National Center for Health Statistics
4:05 PM Latent Dirichlet Allocation Topic Models Applied to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Grant Portfolio Matthew Eblen, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ; Robin Wagner, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
4:20 PM Coverage Ratios of Selected Demographic and Socioeconomic Domains for the National Survey on Drug Use and Health Kathy Spagnola ; Jiantong Wang, RTI International ; Neeraja Sathe, RTI International ; Rebecca Ahrnsbrak, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
4:35 PM The Methuselah Effect: The Pernicious Effects of Unreported Deaths on Old-Age Mortality Estimates Lynne Schofield, Swarthmore College ; Dan Black, University of Chicago ; Seth Sanders, Duke University ; Lowell Taylor, Carnegie Mellon University ; Yu-Chieh Hsu, NORC
4:50 PM Real-Time Collection and Analysis of Big EHR Data to Enable Meaningful, Prospective Comparison of Medical Interventions Cynthia Hau, MAVERIC, Boston VA Healthcare System ; Sarah Leatherman, MAVERIC, Boston VA Healthcare System ; Nilla Majahalme, MAVERIC, Boston VA Healthcare System ; Amanda Guski, MAVERIC, Boston VA Healthcare System ; Jade Riotto, MAVERIC, Boston VA Healthcare System ; Ryan Ferguson, MAVERIC, Boston VA Healthcare System
5:05 PM Comparing Algorithmic Alerts Using Provisional Case Counts to Alerts Using Finalized Data--National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System Hong Zhou, CDC ; Howard Burkom, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory ; Ruth Jajosky, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ; Tara Strine, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
5:20 PM Arrival Time That Affect Wait Time in Hospital Emergency Departments: An Analysis of the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Bill Cai, National Center for Health Statistics/CDC/HHS
5:35 PM A Hidden Markov Model for Analyzing Allele-Specific Copy Number Alteration Accounting for Hypersegmentation in Next Generation Sequencing Hyoyoung Choo-Wosoba, NIH/NCI-DCEG-Biostatistics Branch ; Paul S. Albert, National Cancer Institute/NIH ; Bin Zhu, NIH/NCI-DCEG-Biostatistics Branch
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