CC = Baltimore Convention Center,
H = Hilton Baltimore
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Sun, 7/30/2017,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Measuring the Economy: Economic and Workforce Statistics — Contributed Papers
Government Statistics Section
Chair(s): Wendy Martinez, Bureau of Labor Statistics
2:05 PM
Price Transmission Within the Producer Price Index Final Demand-Intermediate Demand Aggregation System
Jonathan Weinhagen, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
2:20 PM
A Longitudinal Analysis of PPI Response and Nonresponse Patterns
Joseph Valentine, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
2:35 PM
Audit Persistence in Correspondence Tax Examinations
Anne Parker, Internal Revenue Service ; Julie Buckel, Internal Revenue Service
2:50 PM
An Optimization Approach to Reconciling Sample Allocations
David Piccone, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ; Matthew Dey, Bureau of Labor Statistics
3:05 PM
Using Imputation to Reduce the Cost of Survey Collection in the Current Population Survey
John Dixon, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
3:20 PM
Model-Assisted Estimation of Proportions in Repeated Survey with Complex Rotation Pattern: Application to the Current Population Survey
Daniel Bonnéry, University of Maryland
3:35 PM
Assessing Product Downsizing, Upsizing, and Product Churn in the Consumer Price Index Using Nielsen Scanner Data
Jenny FitzGerald, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics