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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 32 - Measuring the Economy: Economic and Workforce Statistics
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Sunday, July 30, 2017 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Government Statistics Section
Abstract #322531
Title: Model-Assisted Estimation of Proportions in Repeated Survey with Complex Rotation Pattern: Application to the Current Population Survey
Author(s): Daniel Bonnéry*
Companies: University of Maryland
Keywords: CPS ; Repeated design ; Labor force statistics

The Current Population Survey (CPS), sponsored jointly by the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), is the primary source of labor force statistics in the United States. The CPS is a 4-8-4 rotating panel design, and a sample consists of eight rotation groups of housing units. A composite estimator, known as A-K estimator, is used to estimate number of employed, unemployed, and unemployment rates. In this presentation, we critically examine practical and theoretical aspects of AK estimators, and of an alternative estimation method, originally proposed by Fuller and Rao and adapted by the Statistics Canada, in the context of the CPS, then we propose and alternative estimator, using a model assisted-approach.

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