JSM 2015 Online Program

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Legend: Washington State Convention Center = CC, Sheraton Seattle = S, Grand Hyatt = GH and The Conference Center = TCC
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

356 * ! Tue, 8/11/2015, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-306
Clinical Trials, Causal Inference, and Psychometrics — Contributed Papers
Mental Health Statistics Section , Biometrics Section
Chair(s): Zhehui Luo, Michigan State University
10:35 AM Nonparametric Generated Effect Modifiers for Placebo Response Eva Petkova, New York University School of Medicine ; Thaddeus Tarpey, Wright State University ; Adam Ciarleglio, New York University ; Bei Jiang, New York University School of Medicine ; R. Todd Ogden, Columbia University ; Zhe Su, New York University
10:50 AM Graphical Representation of Treatment Effect Variability in Randomized Clinical Trials Joseph Rausch, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
11:05 AM On Causal Mediation Effect for Nonlinear Outcomes Pan Wu, CHRISTIANACARE
11:20 AM Psychometric Properties of Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory in a Sample of Military Active Duty Service Members Weimin Zhang, Samueli Institute
11:35 AM A Weighted Summed Score for the Center for Epidemiologic Studies: Depression Scale for Systemic Sclerosis Daphna Harel, New York University ; Russell Steele, McGill University ; Brett Thombs, McGill University ; Murray Baron, Jewish General Hospital ; Marie Hudson, Jewish General Hospital
11:50 AM A Method for Constructing a Score from Items in an Instrument with the Concept of Agreement Lijia Wang, Emory University ; Limin Peng, Emory University ; Ying Guo, Emory University ; Amita K. Manatunga, Emory University
12:05 PM Floor Discussion

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