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Legend: Palais des congrès de Montréal = CC, Le Westin Montréal = W, Intercontinental Montréal = I
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Activity Details

37 Sun, 8/4/2013, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-515c
Small-Area Estimation: Theory and Applications — Contributed Papers
Survey Research Methods Section , Social Statistics Section , Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee
Chair(s): Stas Kolenikov, SRBI
2:05 PM A Procedure for Evaluating and Comparing Small-Area Variability of Binary Outcomes Pavlina Rumcheva, National Center for Health Statistics ; Donald Malec, National Center for Health Statistics ; Peter Meyer, National Center for Health Statistics ; Nathaniel Schenker, National Center for Health Statistics
2:20 PM Small Area Prediction of the Mean of a Binomial Random Variable Andreea Erciulescu, Iowa State University ; Wayne Fuller, Iowa State University
2:35 PM Validity Testing for Coverage Properties of Small-Area Models for Cell Proportions Aaron Gilary, U.S. Census Bureau ; Jerry Maples, US Census Bureau ; Eric Victor Slud, US Census Bureau
2:50 PM Small Area Estimates from the National Crime Victimization Survey Robert Fay, Westat ; Mamadou Diallo, Westat ; Michael Planty, Bureau of Justice Statistics
3:05 PM An Empirical Artificial Population and Sampling Design for Small-Area Model Evaluation Jerzy Wieczorek, Bureau of the Census ; Carolina Franco, U.S. Census Bureau
3:20 PM Applying Bivariate Binomial/Logit Normal Models to Small-Area Estimation Carolina Franco, U.S. Census Bureau ; William R. Bell, U.S. Census Bureau
3:35 PM Standard Regression Model-Based Small-Area Domain Estimation in Household Surveys Prabhakar Ghangurde

2013 JSM Online Program Home

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