Abstract Details
Activity Number:
Sunday, August 4, 2013 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract - #308497 |
Validity Testing for Coverage Properties of Small-Area Models for Cell Proportions
Aaron Gilary*+ and Jerry Maples and Eric Victor Slud
U.S. Census Bureau and US Census Bureau and US Census Bureau
Arcsine square-root transformation ;
Beta-binomial regression ;
Confidence Bound ;
Parametric Bootstrap ;
Prediction Interval ;
Transformed Fay-Herriot Model
In Gilary, Maples, and Slud (2012), we compared three possible models for small proportions in small survey domains: Fay-Herriot (Fay and Herriot 1979), GLMM (Jiang and Lahiri 2006), and Beta-Binomial (Prentice 1986). The comparisons used bootstrap-based condence intervals which were justied by asymptotic theory or established only for large samples. Here we build upon that work by conducting simulations of small area data in moderate-sample settings, for two purposes: to evaluate the performance of dierent analysis methods when using each of the three simulation models; and to assess the validity of predictors and Wald-type condence interval coverage properties for each method.
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