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This is the preliminary program for the 2003 Joint Statistical Meetings in San Francisco, California. Currently included in this program is the "technical" program, schedule of invited, topic contributed, regular contributed and poster sessions; Continuing Education courses (August 2-5, 2003); and Committee and Business Meetings. This on-line program will be updated frequently to reflect the most current revisions.

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The views expressed here are those of the individual authors
and not necessarily those of the ASA or its board, officers, or staff.

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  301092  By:  Jeff Sloan 2:05 PM 08/03/2003
Methods for Assessing Clinical Significance in Quality of Life Measurement

  301045  By:    08/04/2003
Patterns of Physician Visits for Asthma

  300994  By:    9:20 AM 08/04/2003
A Multistate Stochastic Model for Longitudinal Data with Discrete Outcomes

  300315  By:    9:35 AM 08/04/2003
New Developments for Statistical Inference in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

  302186  By:    9:50 AM 08/04/2003
Inputation and Parameter Estimation for Bivariate Correlated Longitudinal Data in Clinical Trials

  301063  By:    10:55 AM 08/04/2003
Marginal Models for Zero-inflated Clustered Data

  300369  By:  Diana Miglioretti 11:25 AM 08/04/2003
Estimating the Accuracy of Mammography from a Repeatedly Screened Population

  300164  By:  Geert Molenberghs 2:05 PM 08/04/2003
Statistical and Clinical Issues Regarding Choice of the Primary Analysis in Longitudinal Clinical Trials

  301566  By:    2:35 PM 08/04/2003
Random Effects Selection in Linear Mixed-Effects Models

  301227  By:    3:20 PM 08/04/2003
Targets of Inference for Longitudinal Data Censored by Dropout and Death

  300532  By:    08/05/2003
A Weighted Imputation Technique Using Stratified Weighted Means

  300602  By:  Geert Verbeke 8:35 AM 08/05/2003
Challenges in the Analysis of Observational Longitudinal Aging Studies

  300730  By:  Lynn Eberly 8:50 AM 08/05/2003
Diagnosing Non-Normality of Random Effects in General Linear Mixed Models: Can We Distinguish between an Incorrect Mean Model and an Incorrect Random Effects Model?

  300646  By:    9:00 AM 08/05/2003
An Estimating Equations Approach for Analyzing Disability Outcomes among the Elderly

  300806  By:  Xihong Lin 9:20 AM 08/05/2003
Semiparametric Estimation in Transition Measurement Error Model

  300894  By:  Karen Bandeen-Roche 9:20 AM 08/05/2003
Modeling Health Trajectories Before and After a Sentinel Event

  301396  By:    9:50 AM 08/05/2003
What Can Death Tell Us About Functional Decline in Aging?

  300840  By:    10:35 AM 08/05/2003
Staying the Course: Patterns of Nonresponse in a National Longitudinal Study of Young Children

  301287  By:  Garrett Moran 10:50 AM 08/05/2003
Comparisons of Natural History Reports of Substance Use, Treatment and Incarceration to Longitudinal Self-Reports and Administrative Data

  300520  By:  Hans-Georg Muller 11:35 AM 08/05/2003
Functional Regression and Principal Components Analysis for Sparse Longitudinal Data

  300118  By:    8:35 AM 08/06/2003
Using Multivariate Mixed-Effects Models to Predict Hypertension

  300668  By:  Xihong Lin 10:35 AM 08/06/2003
Nonparametric and Semiparametric Regression for Clustered/Longitudinal Data Using Kernel and Spline Methods

  301934  By:    10:50 AM 08/06/2003
Estimating Correlation in a Longitudinal Study with Missing Data

  300056  By:  Bradley Carlin 3:05 PM 08/06/2003
Bayesian vs. Likelihood Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Event Time AIDS Clinical Trial Data

  302278  By:    3:20 PM 08/06/2003
Short-Term Respiratory Health Effects of Air Pollution Accounting for Zip Code-Level Spatial Heterogeneity

  300997  By:    8:35 AM 08/07/2003
Doubly Robust Estimation in Monotone Missing Data and Causal Inference Models

  300145  By:    9:05 AM 08/07/2003
Nonparametric and Generalized Nonpararmetric Mixed-Effect Models

  301062  By:    9:20 AM 08/07/2003
Conditional Estimation for Generalized Linear Models When Covariates Are Subject-specific Parameters in a Mixed Model with Longitudinal Measurements

  301802  By:    10:05 AM 08/07/2003
Efficiency of Pseudo-likelihood Estimators when Covariance Is Misspecified

  301727  By:  Thomas Belin 11:00 AM 08/07/2003
Addressing Incomplete Outcome Data in Studies with Baseline Covariate Imbalance

  300036  By:    11:05 AM 08/07/2003
Analyzing Quantitative Longitudinal Data Using Robust Estimating Functions--Software and Applications

JSM 2003 For information, contact or phone (703) 684-1221. If you have questions about the Continuing Education program, please contact the Education Department.
Revised March 2003