Abstract #300828

This is the preliminary program for the 2003 Joint Statistical Meetings in San Francisco, California. Currently included in this program is the "technical" program, schedule of invited, topic contributed, regular contributed and poster sessions; Continuing Education courses (August 2-5, 2003); and Committee and Business Meetings. This on-line program will be updated frequently to reflect the most current revisions.

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JSM 2003 Abstract #300828
Activity Number: 364
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 6, 2003 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Section on Survey Research Methods
Abstract - #300828
Title: The Generalized System for Imputation Simulations (GENESIS): A Methodological and Pedagogical Tool
Author(s): David Haziza*+
Companies: Statistics Canada
Address: 484 Sunnyside Ave., Ottawa, ON, K1S-0S9, Canada
Keywords: simulation ; nonresponse ; full response ; imputation classes

GENESIS 1.1 is a new menu-driven system based on SAS Release 8. The system consists of SAS macros linked to menus using SAS/AF. The system was first developed to address the fact that methodologists at Statistics Canada regularly conduct simulation studies in the presence of imputation. It was therefore appropriate to create a tool that would enable users to conduct such simulation studies. GENESIS consists of three main parts: Full Response (FR), Nonresponse-Imputation (NRI) and Nonresponse-Imputation Cells (NRIC). FR allows the user to perform simulation studies in the case of complete response. GENESIS can thus be used in order to illustrate theoretical concepts in a survey sampling course. NRI and NRIC allow the user to perform simulation studies in the presence of nonresponse for a given variable of interest. With GENESIS, simulation studies can be carried out to test the performance of imputed estimators under different conditions, as well as the performance of methods for constructing imputation cells. GENESIS is a simple-to-use and relatively efficient system in terms of execution time. In this talk, we will present GENESIS and discuss some of its features.

  • The address information is for the authors that have a + after their name.
  • Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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JSM 2003 For information, contact meetings@amstat.org or phone (703) 684-1221. If you have questions about the Continuing Education program, please contact the Education Department.
Revised March 2003