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  300320  By:  David A. Harville 3:05 PM 08/14/2002
Oscar Kempthorne and the Distribution of Quadratic Forms

  300469  By:  Ying-Lin  Hsu 3:05 PM 08/11/2002
Estimation and Prediction of Generalized Growth Curve with Grouping Variances in AR(q) Dependence Structure

  300477  By:  Jack C. Lee 11:50 AM 08/15/2002
Bayesian Analysis of a General Growth Curve Model With Box-Cox Transformation, Random Effects and ARMA(p, q) Dependence

  300378  By:  Li  Hsu 8:35 AM 08/15/2002
Analysis of Correlated Failure Time Data from Family Studies

  300484  By:  Nitis  Mukhopadhyay 3:20 PM 08/12/2002
Dependence or Independence of the Sample Mean and Variance In Non-IID or Non-Normal Cases: How Helpful Are Some of the Customary Tests of Independence?

  300256  By:  Jeffrey  Russell 9:50 AM 08/14/2002
Effects of Non-normality and Dependence on the Precision of Variance Estimates Using High Freqeuncy Data

  300491  By:  John I. McCool 11:20 AM 08/14/2002
Testing for Dependency of Failure Times in Life Testing

  300643  By:  Qimei  He 8:35 AM 08/12/2002
Independence of Alleles Sharing Identical-by-descent for Sib-pairs from the Same Sib-ship and Its Application

  300657  By:  Richard R. Bryant 3:05 PM 08/12/2002
Impact of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence on Wages

  301039  By:  David V.  Glidden 9:05 AM 08/14/2002
Dependence Diagnostics for Bivariate Failure Time Data

  300224  By:  James A. Anthony 2:05 PM 08/11/2002
Design and Analysis in Epidemiology and Prevention Research for Substance Abuse and Addiction

  301035  By:  Katie M. Bench 2:05 PM 08/14/2002
Conditioning of Census 2000 Data Collected in Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation Block Clusters

  301039  By:  David V.  Glidden 9:05 AM 08/14/2002
Dependence Diagnostics for Bivariate Failure Time Data

  301163  By:  J. Wade Davis 9:35 AM 08/12/2002
Locally Self-Similar Processes and Their Wavelet Analysis

  301207  By:  Teddy  Seidenfeld 11:00 AM 08/14/2002
Some Decision Theory for Sets of Probabilities

  301328  By:  Christopher R. Bilder 9:20 AM 08/12/2002
Testing for Simultaneous Pairwise Marginal Independence

  301359  By:  James B. McDonald 5:05 PM 08/11/2002
Testing for Duration Dependence with Discrete Data

  301531  By:  Craig B. Borkowf 9:35 AM 08/12/2002
An Algorithm for Generating Two-way Contingency Tables with Fixed Marginal Totals and Arbitrary Mean Proportions Using Sequentially Assigned Counts

  301718  By:  Daniel J. Zaccaro 11:05 AM 08/15/2002
Reducing Dependence on Tobacco: A Sensitivity Analysis

  301753  By:  Dhirendra  Ghosh 9:50 AM 08/12/2002
Sampling Methods Related to Bernoulli and Poisson Sampling

  300370  By:  Haiqun  Lin 8:35 AM 08/14/2002
Diagnostic Methods for Assessing Conditional Independence in Latent Variable Modelling of Joint Survival and Longitudinal Data

  301860  By:  Peter D. Hoff 4:50 PM 08/11/2002
Latent Space Approaches to Social Network Analysis

  301934  By:  Abdullah  Albatel 5:05 PM 08/11/2002
Fiscal Dependence on Oil Revenue and Economic Development: the Saudi Arabian Case

JSM 2002

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Revised March 2002