Submit an Abstract

Poster Abstract Submission – CLOSED
July 16 – August 29, 2019

Would you like to share your experience as a statistical practitioner solving real-world problems? If so, an electronic poster presentation is a great way to have an extended face-to-face discussion. A poster presentation also serves as an excellent teaching tool, allowing for direct and immediate feedback; broad exposure; and the ability to display extensive graphics, tables, and animations.

We are calling for electronic posters that provide opportunities for attendees to learn about practical applications of statistical methodologies and best practices in one of the four themes of the conference:

Communication, Collaboration, and Career Development
Data Modeling and Analysis
Data Science and Big Data
Software, Programming, and Data Visualization

The posters should be consistent with the following conference objectives:

  • Learning statistical techniques that apply to your job as an applied statistician
  • Learning how to better communicate with customers and clients
  • Learning how to have a positive impact on your organization

Poster abstract submissions will be reviewed and competitively evaluated on the above objectives and their ability to communicate established methods and techniques applicable to solving real-world problems in statistical practice. The topic should be relevant and practical for a variety of statistical practitioners. Final acceptance of poster submissions will be communicated by September 30, 2019.

All submissions should include a title, author information, and abstract (800–1,200 characters). Presenters are required to host their electronic posters during their assigned 75- to 90-minute session. Single-slide posters with hyperlinks to graphics or background information are preferred; if a multiple-slide poster is used, we recommend no more than four slides be included. Presenters should also have a one-minute “elevator pitch” prepared to orally present and summarize their material. For more information about the poster format, see Poster Tips.

This year, as in previous years, there will be an award for the best student poster. All student posters presented at CSP 2020 will be evaluated by a panel of at least four judges at the conference. The judges will evaluate each student poster on the topic, methods used, and presentation of the material visually and orally.

The award for the best student poster will be announced at the Closing General Session (4:15 p.m. Saturday) and reported by the ASA on Facebook and Twitter and in Amstat News. The winner will be given a certificate from the ASA and a one-year student membership in the ASA. (If the presenter is not at the Closing General Session, the certificate will be mailed.)

Theme 1: Communication, Collaboration, and Career Development

The objective for this theme is to help conference participants develop skills and perspectives that will improve their personal and professional effectiveness as statisticians and increase their organizational impact as managers, leaders, strategists, consultants, or collaborators.

Presentations will enable participants to return to their jobs with new ideas, techniques, and strategies for improving their ability to assume leadership roles, communicate effectively, forge productive professional relationships, and develop and advance their careers.

Potential topics include the following:

  • Organizational impact and influence
  • Leadership and management
  • Mentoring
  • Effective communication
  • Presenting statistical results to nonstatisticians
  • Best practices in consulting and collaboration
  • Career development and advancement
  • Statistical ethics
Theme 2: Data Modeling and Analysis

The objective for this theme is to provide attendees with practical knowledge about modeling and analyzing data of various forms through the application of state-of-the-art statistical methods. Presentation methods should use illustrative data analysis examples reproducible across several statistical packages and may focus on a variety of data types from varied applied settings. Presentations will feature information relevant to a broad range of applied statisticians working in diverse settings.

Potential topics include the following:

  • Modeling
  • Inference
  • Prediction
Theme 3: Data Science and Big Data

Data science and big data are at the forefront of statistical practice and require a complex set of computing, statistical, and communication skills. This conference theme aims to help practitioners working in these fields to stay current with state-of-the-art methods for solving inference; prediction; decision-making; classification; and pattern-recognition problems from extremely large, unconventional, or complex data.

Presentations pertaining to this theme will involve applications showcasing large or complex data sets; overviews/surveys of methodological tools; and algorithms for solving such applications and best practices for gathering, structuring, exploring, visualizing, and analyzing large or complex data.

Potential topics include the following:

  • Capturing, exploring, and visualizing large or complex data
  • Processing, tidying, and cleaning raw data to produce analyzable data structures
  • Scaling up statistical models for big data and data science applications
  • Analysis techniques for high-throughput screening
  • Text analytics and sentiment analysis
  • Applications of machine learning and deep learning
  • Model validation and comparison approaches
Theme 4: Software, Programming, and Data Visualization

The objective for this theme is to help attendees integrate new or existing software, statistically oriented programming languages (R, SAS, etc.), or general programming languages (Python, Java, etc.) into their current processes.

Presentations will focus on the practical application of such technology for the statistician or data analyst.

Potential topics include the following:

  • Software and programming methods to obtain, clean, describe, or analyze data
  • Methods for interactively sharing analysis results with other analysts or end users
  • Visualization methods for communication and data discovery
  • Statistical applications of general programming languages

What to Include in Your Submission

There are a limited number of slots available. Successful presentations have the following characteristics:

  • Immediate practical value
  • Clearly relevant to the conference goals and themes
  • Objective(s) are clear and specific
  • Evidence there will be audience engagement/participation with interactive exercises
  • Titles/content that create interest and/or clearly describe the deliverable

Each submission must include the following:

  • Presentation title, abstract, and presenter name(s) and affiliation(s)
  • Qualifications of the presenter(s) that demonstrate expertise in the practical application of the presentation topic, which may include education, special training or study, work experience, or previous papers or presentations on the topic
  • An explanation of the following:
    • How the presentation will immediately help the participants:
      • Learn statistical techniques that apply to their job as an applied statistician
      • Better communicate with their clients and customers
      • Have a positive impact on their organization or enhance their professional development
    • How the material presented could apply across industries
  • An indication of whether the presentation is of an introductory nature

Note that the use of software in a presentation should only be to highlight the application or technique, not to promote or sell software. Also note that while we encourage ‘showcase’ applications from all industries (e.g., agricultural, biological, chemical, engineering, environmental, financial, government, marketing, software), the technique, lesson, or message presented should be applicable or spark thought across several industries.

Key Dates


  • September 30, 2019
    Early Registration and Housing Opens
  • January 9, 2020
    Early Registration Deadline
  • January 10, 2020
    Regular Registration (increased fees apply)
  • January 30, 2020
    Housing Deadline Extended
  • February 20, 2020 – February 22, 2020
    CSP in Sacramento, CA
  • Program Participants

  • April 8, 2019 – May 9, 2019
    Short Course and Tutorial Proposal Submission
  • May 20, 2019 – June 20, 2019
    Concurrent Abstract Submission
  • July 16, 2019 – August 29, 2019
    Poster Abstract Submission
  • November 15, 2019
    Speaker Registration Deadline