Online Program

Friday, February 21
CS08 Interactive Graphics Fri, Feb 21, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Bayshore VII

Hospital Pricing Interactive Visualization Techniques Using Tableau (302745)

*Billie Sue Anderson, Bryant University 

Keywords: interactive data visualization, Tableau software

Data visualization is the graphical or pictorial representation of data. Interactive data visualization is human centered and implemented through knowledge discovery loops coupled with human and computer interaction and visual representations. Interactive visual data mining attempts to extract unsuspected and potentially useful patterns from the data. Tableau is a software tool that allows data to be interactively visualized. This presentation will discuss the importance of interactive data visualization for any organization and showcase how to explore and detect novel patterns using a real-world data set. The data set to be used in the presentation is hospital pricing data. The data will be interactively visualized so as to create greater transparency in the health care field. In an effort to increase price transparency, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have publicly released for the first time a data set showing what hospitals charged and what Medicare paid for the 100 most common Medicare inpatient stays (diagnostic related groups, or DRGs) in 2011. On June 3, 2013, CMS also released an outpatient data set.