Online Program

Saturday, February 22
CS20 Using R – Graphics, Geostatistics, and Maps Sat, Feb 22, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Bayshore I

R for Data Visualization and Graphics (302736)

*Robert Kabacoff, Management Research Group 

Keywords: graphics, interactive, visualization

R is a popular open source software environment for statistical computing and graphics. Its ability to create sophisticated, highly customized, publication-quality graphs on multiple platforms is unparalleled. This presentation will provide a high-level tour of the many univariate and multivariate graphs available to data analysts through the use of base R, lattice, and ggplot2 functions. This includes histograms, kernel density plots, bar charts, dot plots, line charts, scatter plots and scatter plot matrices, box plots, mosaic plots, correlograms, heat maps, 3D graphs, faceted plots, and more. New developments in interactive graphics (iPlots, Rggobi, googleVis, Shiny) are described. Throughout the presentation, users are provided with pointers for follow-up learning.