Online Program

Friday, February 22
CS01 Theme 1: Communication, Impact and Career Development #1 Fri, Feb 22, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Napoleon D3

Influence - Essential for Success as a Statistician (302574)

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*Paul Berg, Eli Lilly and Company 

Although the acquisition and application of statistical skills is a necessary step in achieving success as a professional statistician, it is not sufficient. In addition, you must develop your ability to influence customers, colleagues, managers, and subordinates. This can be especially problematic when your influencees are not particularly statistically savvy, and you must convince them of the merits of a particular statistical approach. In this talk we will cover concepts related to gaining influence such as establishing rapport, negotiating, and motivating others. In addition, we will address some best practices related to clearly communicating statistical issues to non-statisticians.