Online Program

Friday, February 22
CS12 Theme 4: Software and Graphics #2 Fri, Feb 22, 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM
Napoleon D1&2

Do Your Graphs Speak Clearly?

View Presentation View Presentation *Sanjay Matange, SAS Institute 

The picture of a sunset from the exotic island vacation speaks volumes. Every time you look at it, you see new details. However, back at work a graph showing the comparative effectiveness of treatments should speak clearly and succinctly. It is now commonly accepted that the results of an analyses or study are easier to consume when the raw data is presented graphically, along with the derived statistics. Principles of effective graphics recommend the optimization of data ink in a graph and this presentation will use real world examples to review the pros and cons of various techniques currently in use. The goal of this presentation is to identify ways to improve the graphical presentation of your data in order to increase the ease with which your audience can consume and decode the information in the graph.