JSM Data Art Show
Explore the “art” in data art and join us for an exhibit featuring the work of data artists. Positioned inside the exhibit hall at Booth 236, this feature will explore the relationship between data and art, which promises to be both amazing and beautiful.
These images by Gregory J. Matthews for the JSM 2019 Data Art Show were created by searching for a word in Google images. Screenshots of the top 24 results are collected and used as a training data set. A model for the color of each pixel is constructed conditional on all the other pixels, and the resulting image is the predicted color of each pixel from the collection of these models.
These images by Elizabeth Pirraglia for the JSM 2020 Data Art Show present a linear regression equation where there is an interaction between three continuous variables in predicting a fourth variable. Each of the three variables forming the interaction are broken into seven segments, making the six-square grid and the frames of the GIF.