JSM 2015 Online Program

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Legend: Washington State Convention Center = CC, Sheraton Seattle = S, Grand Hyatt = GH and The Conference Center = TCC
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

398 ! Tue, 8/11/2015, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-2B
Current Issues in Assessing Performance of Medical Facilities — Invited Papers
Health Policy Statistics Section , Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee
Organizer(s): Susan S. Ellenberg, University of Pennsylvania
Chair(s): Susan S. Ellenberg, University of Pennsylvania
2:05 PM The COPSS Report on the CMS Model for Comparing Hospitals Steven Fienberg, Carnegie Mellon University
2:30 PM Statistical Considerations in Assessing Hospital Performance Sharon-Lise Normand, Harvard Medical School ; Ann Lovett, Harvard Medical School ; Robert Wolf, Harvard Medical School ; Treacy Silbaugh, Harvard Medical School ; Katya Zelevinsky, Harvard Medical School ; Matthew Cioffi, Harvard Medical School ; Caroline Wood, Harvard Medical School
2:55 PM Hospital Mortality Rate Estimation for Public Reporting Edward I. George, The Wharton School ; Veronika Rockova, University of Pennsylvania ; Ville Satoppa, University of Pennsylvania ; Paul Rosenbaum, University of Pennsylvania ; Jeffrey Silber, University of Pennsylvania ; Nabanita Mukherjee, Novartis Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
3:20 PM Models and Methods for Profiling Medical Providers John D. Kalbfleisch, University of Michigan ; Kevin He, University of Michigan ; Yanming Li, University of Michigan
3:45 PM Floor Discussion

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