Using an icon for a link

For those who wish to make a graphical link to this year's Math Awareness Month website, four sizes of images are provided.

486 x 60 banner

File name: 468x60banner.gif
File size: 8.62 Kb
Image size: W:468px, H:60px

468 x 60 animated banner

File name: 468x60animated.gif
File size: 65.09 Kb
Image size: W:468px, H:60px

125 x 125 banner

File name: 150x150mam2009.jpg
File size: 9.42 Kb
Image size: W:150px, H:150px

120 x 90 banner

File name: 120x90mam2009.jpg
File size: 4.42 Kb
Image size: W: 120px, H: 90px

88 x 31 banner

File name: 75x75mam2009.jpg
File size: 2.96 Kb
Image size: W: 75px, H: 75px


  1. Download the image:
    Netscape: Right-click or control-click on the image, choose "Save Image As," browse to find the folder in which your web pages are stored, and save it there.
    Internet Explorer: Right-click or control-click on the image, choose "Save Picture As," browse to find the folder in which your web pages are stored, and save it there.
  2. Use your web-authoring program to insert the image and make a link to the MAM website:
  3. Upload your revised web page and the image file.
  4. Most web-authoring programs include an option to "import a picture."
  5. After you import the picture, select it and make the link.

Mathematics Awareness Month is sponsored each year by the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics to recognize the importance of mathematics through written materials and an accompanying poster that highlight mathematical developments and applications in a particular area.
Questions or comments about this site may be directed to mamsupport