Related Resources

See the websites of the Mathematics and the Cosmos Advisory Committee.


The Right Spin, with Astronaut Michael Foale:a DVD produced for Mathematics Awareness Month 2005


"Computer simulations predict what astronomers will see with gravitational wave telescopes during the collision of two black holes", a news release from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, September 21, 2001

"The Mathematics of the Universe", a profile of Dr. Lisa Jeffrey (University of Toronto)

"Universe is Finite, 'Soccer Ball'-Shaped Study Hints," by Sean Markey, National Geographic News, October 8, 2003

"Measuring the Shape of the Universe", by Neil J. Cornish and Jeffrey R. Weeks, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, December 1998

"The Poincare Dodecahedral Space and the Mystery of Missing Fluctuations", by Jeffrey Weeks, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, June/July 2004

"Mathematical Structures Motivated by String Theory," by Ralph Cohen (Stanford University), 2004

"Stellar Cryptographic Key", by Michael Bulmer and Kevin Primbblet, Australian IT, September 21, 2004

"A new solution to the three body problem - and more", by Bill Casselman, Feature Column

Websites, Essays, etc.

"Imagining Other Dimensions", by Rick Groleau. An essay on The Elegant Universe television series website.

Black Holes

Martin Lo, research scientist (Navigation and Mission Design, Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California

Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn and Titan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

The NASA Speakers Bureau provides speakers for events

Neil J. Cornish (University of Montana), recent talks and publications

Shane Ross (University of Southern California)

Geometry of the Earth and Universe - From the Classroom to Current Research, and The Shape of Our Universe by Sarah J. Greenwald (Appalachian State University)

Gene Smith's Astronomy Tutorial Cosmology: The Structure and Future of the Universe (University of California, San Diego)

Ned Wright's Cosmology Tutorial (University of California, Los Angeles)

Parallel Universes, by Max Tegmark (University of Pennsylvania)

Geometry of the Universe, a lecture by James Schombert (Dept. of Physics, University of Oregon)

Miscellaneous Topics and Images

Curious about astronomy? Ask an astronomer, "What shape is the universe?"

NASA Image Gallery and NASA Cassini-Huygens Mission Images

"Measuring the Universe," a summary of an invited address by Jeffrey Weeks at the 2001 Joint Mathematics Meeting

Mathematics Awareness Month is sponsored each year by the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics to recognize the importance of mathematics through written materials and an accompanying poster that highlight mathematical developments and applications in a particular area.
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