Committee Details

Membership Council


The Membership Council is composed of those committees which support the Membership Growth area of the Strategic Plan in a broad sense: by identifying ways to meet the needs of underserved groups (such as applied statisticians and young statisticians); by considering ways to build and retain membership in traditional sectors of the ASA; and by serving the needs of minority groups within the ASA. The Council provides a means for coordination among these committees and a connection between each committee and the Board through the Council chair. An important distinction between this Council and the Council for Professional Issues and Visibility is that the former deals with internally facing issues, whereas the latter deals with externally facing issues.


The membership of the Membership Council consists of one of the Vice Presidents of the ASA, who serves as the Chair, a Vice Chair appointed/reappointed (when necessary) by the President Elect for a three year term and the Chairs of the following ASA Committees; the Advisory Committee on Continuing Education; the Committee on Applied Statisticians; the Committee on Career Development; the Committee on International Relations in Statistics; the Committee on Membership Retention and Recruitment; the Committee on Minorities in Statistics; the Committee on Statistics and Disability; the Committee on Women in Statistics and the Statistics Partnerships Among Academe, Industry & Government Committee.

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Bailey, Brittney
Member (2025 - 2025)
Dasgupta, Nairanjana
Member (2025 - 2025)
Howard, Annie Green
Member (2025 - 2025)
Kosinski, Andrzej
Member (2025 - 2025)
Liao, Shu-Min
Member (2025 - 2025)
Rao, Arvind
Member (2025 - 2025)
Roychoudhury, Satrajit
Member (2025 - 2025)
Bowman, DuBois
Membership Council Chair (2025 - 2027)
Farris, Amy
Staff Liaison (2010 - 2099)
Mannshardt, Elizabeth
Membership Council Vice Chair (2023 - 2025)