Committee Details

Committee on Professional Ethics

Visit the Committee on Professional Ethics home page.


To provide a point of contact with other societies and associations in the area of professional ethics. To develop and implement a program of education sensitizing members of ASA to the ethical issues in statistical practice and in other fields in which statistics is used. To maintain and promulgate, subject to Board review and approval, the set of ASA Ethical Guidelines that describes the general view of ethics in statistical practice, and develop and maintain supplements to the Ethical Guidelines for areas of application that give an understanding of ethical statistical practice as it applies to that area (e.g., law or medicine). The Committee does not have the authority to act on, rule on, or arbitrate ethical matters. Execution of a program of professional certification is not included in this charge.


The Committee consists of nine members, three of whom are appointed/reappointed by the President Elect each year for three year terms. One member is also appointed by the President Elect (when necessary) to serve as the Chair.

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Rotelli, Matthew
Chair (2025 - 2025)
Gillikin, Jason
Member (2020 - 2025)
Gunaratna, Nilupa
Member (2021 - 2026)
Ortman, Jennifer
Member (2025 - 2027)
Park, Jennifer
Member (2023 - 2025)
Rotelli, Matthew
Member (2020 - 2026)
Shipp, Stephanie
Member (2021 - 2026)
Van Mullekom, Jennifer
Member (2025 - 2027)
Wolcott, Michiko
Member (2025 - 2027)
Young, Millennia
Member (2020 - 2025)
Paddock, Susan
Professional Issues & Visibility Council Chair (2024 - 2026)
LaLonde, Donna
Staff Liaison (2019 - 2030)
Wasserstein, Ronald
Staff Liaison (2009 - 2028)