Committee Details

Founders Award Committee

Visit the Founders Award Committee home page.


This award is presented annually for distinguished service to the American Statistical Association. Selection criteria include service over an extended period of time and in a variety of leadership roles, including, but not limited to, chapter, section, committee, officer or editorial activities, wherein effective service or leadership was provided within ASA or on behalf of ASA to other organizations. The award is the highest level award ASA can give. Typically, no more than two awards are granted each year; however, when warranted, up to five awards may be granted in a given year. No one can be selected for the award while a member of the selection committee or on the Board of Directors.


The Committee consists of the Past President of ASA, who chairs the Committee, a representative from the Council of Sections, a representative from the Council of Chapters (the Past-Chair), and the Editorial Representative to the Board. The Section and Chapter Representatives serve two-year terms, with one being appointed each year to provide overlapping terms. The Executive Director is an ex officio member.

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Ghosh Dastidar, Madhumita
Chair (2025 - 2025)
Kim, Mimi
Representative from Council of Chapters (2024 - 2025)
Love, Thomas
Council of Sections Representative (2025 - 2026)
Hoering, Antje
Publication Rep to the Board (2024 - 2026)
Wasserstein, Ronald
Member Ex-Officio (2007 - 2028)