Committee Details

JABES Editorial Management Committee


The Editorial Management Committee is responsible for (a) editorial policy; (b) publication time and efficiency of manuscript handling; (c) adequacy of page allotment; (d) impact on statistical community; and (e) the vigor and timeliness of editing and editorial control over the journal's quality. To supervise administrative functions and publications arrangements. To set subscription rates. To review financial aspects of the publication and recommend an Editor(s) to the presidents of each of the associations, who will jointly make the appointment. Actions of the Committee with respect to its responsibilities are subject to review by the executive boards of the sponsoring associations.


The Editorial Management Committee consists of 5 members, 2 from the IBS and 2 from the ASA President-Elect. The fifth member, appointed by and a member of both societies, serves as chair.

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Sampson, Eric
Staff Liaison (2008 - 2025)