Committee Details

Audit Committee


The Audit Committee shall periodically recommend an audit firm to the Board of Directors; serve as the Board of Directors' liaison to the Association’s auditors; represent the Board of Directors in discharging its responsibilities relating to the accounting, reporting, and financial practices of the ASA; have general responsibility for surveillance of internal controls, accounting, and audit activities of the ASA; ensure the audit is carried out in a fiscally sound manner; review with the audit firm their audit procedures, including the scope and timing of the audit, the results of the annual audit, and any accompanying management letters; assess the adequacy of internal controls and risk management systems; review the IRS Form 990, 990-T, and Virginia Form 500; review the document destruction and whistleblower policies; and review material about any pending legal proceedings involving the ASA.


The Audit Committee shall consist of the Treasurer, who acts as chair, the chair of the Budget Committee (the senior Vice President), and the Past President.

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Opsomer, Jean
Chair (2024 - 2026)
Ghosh Dastidar, Madhumita
Member (2024 - 2025)
Wasserstein, Ronald
Staff Liaison (2024 - 2028)