Committee Details

ASA Advisory Committee on Climate Change Policy

Visit the ASA Advisory Committee on Climate Change Policy home page.


Inform Congress, the public, and others on climate change science. The committee shall meet this charge by regular contact - including materials - with Congressional staff and federal employees on the science of climate change and its impacts. It will seek requests from congressional staff for statisticians’ perspective on aspects of the science of climate change and its impacts. The committee will collaborate with scientists from other disciplines on this charge through contact with other professional societies and science organizations. The committee will also relate its experiences to ASA membership so that other statisticians might benefit from the committee’s study of how statisticians can inform Congress and the public.


The committee has nine members, three of whom are appointed/reappointed each year by the President Elect for three year terms. One of the members is also chosen (when necessary) by the President Elect to serve as the Chair. The ASA director of science policy will serve as staff liaison for the committee.

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Huang, Whitney
Chair (2025 - 2025)
Guan, Yawen
Vice-Chair (2025 - 2025)
Bessac, Julie
Member (2025 - 2027)
Guan, Yawen
Member (2023 - 2025)
Hobbs, Jonathan
Member (2023 - 2025)
Huang, Whitney
Member (2023 - 2025)
Johnson, Margaret
Member (2022 - 2027)
Kang, Emily
Member (2021 - 2026)
North, Joshua
Member (2025 - 2027)
Poppick, Andrew
Member (2025 - 2027)
Shaby, Benjamin
Member (2021 - 2026)
Paddock, Susan
Professional Issues & Visibility Council Chair (2024 - 2026)
Kim, Jae-Kwang
Professional Issues & Visibility Council Vice Chair (2025 - 2027)
Pierson, Steve
Staff Liaison (2009 - 2028)