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Thursday, May 17
Computing Science
Reasoning with Data
Thu, May 17, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Grand Ballroom D

Experiences with AI, Expert Knowledge and Data Analysis (304652)


*Octavian Udrea, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center 

Keywords: AI planning, plan recognition, hypothesis generation, symbolic computation, knowledge engineering

We outline some of our successes and stumbling blocks in attempting to bring together data analysis and expert knowledge in almost a decade of research at IBM. Most of our work is focused around using planning technology to automate the things data scientists worry about: looking at data in many possible ways, recognizing patterns and processes, and providing foresight. The good news: we can scale up the ability to do data analysis - we will show examples of our latest system for real-world enterprise risk management; the bad news: there is no silver bullet, and we may need problem instance-specific methods and assumptions.