A Second Bibliography on the Teaching of Probability and Statistics

Hardeo Sahai
University of Puerto Rico

Anwer Khurshid
University of Exeter, U.K.
and University of Karachi, Pakistan

Satish Chandra Misra
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
and The American University, Washington, DC

Journal of Statistics Education v.4, n.3 (1996)

Copyright (c) 1996 by Hardeo Sahai, Anwer Khurshid, and Satish Chandra Misra, all rights reserved. This text may be freely shared among individuals, but it may not be republished in any medium without express written consent from the authors and advance notification of the editor.

Appendix C: Abbreviations for Names of Journals

ActBolMath	Actas Congreso Bolivariano de Mathematica

Alpha		Alpha

AJOccTher	American Journal of Occupational Therapy

AmAsHEB		American Association for Higher Education Bulletin

AmEcoRvw	American Economic Review

AmBioTchr	American Biology Teacher

AmInstDecScP	American Institute of Decision Sciences Proceedings

AmJDisChild	American Journal of Diseases of Children

AmJEcoSoc	American Journal of Economics and Sociology

AmJPhy		American Journal of Physics

AmJPubHealth	American Journal of Public Health

AmMaMnth  	American Mathematical Monthly

AmScnts		American Scientist

AmSoc		The American Sociologist

AmSocRvw	American Sociological Review

AmerStat  	The American Statistician

AmstNws		AmStat News

AnlsEug		Annals of Eugenics

AnlsIntMed  	Annals of Internal Medicine

AnlsMathStat  	Annals of Mathematical Statistics

AnlsNYAcaSc	Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

AnlsRCS		Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England

ApplProbNews	Applied Probability Newsletter

ApplStAgri90	Proceedings of the 1990 Kansas State University 
		Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, 
		G.A. Milliken and J.R. Schuenk (Eds.), Department 
		of Statistics, Kansas State University, 
		Manhattan, Kansas

ApplStAgri93	Proceedings of the 1993 Kansas State University 
		Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, 
		W. Noble (Ed.), Department of Statistics, Kansas 
		State University, Manhattan, Kansas

ArchEnvHea	Archives of Environmental Health

ArchHistExSc	Archives of History of Exact Sciences

ArithTchr  	Arithmetic Teacher

ASAPro150  	ASA Sesquicentennial Invited Paper Sessions, M. Gail 
		and N. L. Johnson (Eds.), American Statistical 
		Association, Alexandrai, Virginia, U. S. A..

ASAProBays  	ASA Proceedings of Bayesian Section

ASAProBiop  	ASA Proceedings of Biopharmaceutical Section

ASAProBuEc  	ASA Proceedings of Business and Economic Statistics 

ASAProQ&Pr	ASA Proceedings of Quality and Productivity Section

ASAProSocSt  	ASA Proceedings of Social Statistics Section
ASAProStCp  	ASA Proceedings of Statistical Computing Section

ASAProStEd  	ASA Proceedings of Statistical Education Section

ASAProStGr 	ASA Proceedings of Statistical Graphics Section

ASAProSuRes 	ASA Proceedings of Survey Research Section

ASQCTekCon	ASQC Technical Conference Transactions, American 
		Society for Quality Control, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 

AstrlJPhy	Australian Journal of Physics

AstrlJSt  	Australian Journal of Statistics

AudVidCommRvw	Audio-Visual Communication Review

AusMaTea	Australian Mathematics Teacher

BehResMetInsCmp	Behavioral Research Methods, Instruments and Computers

BehResMetIns	Behavioral Research Methods and Instrumentation

BIAS		Bulletin in Applied Statistics

Bioma		Biometrika

BioPrax		Biometrie-Praximetrie

BioRpt		Biopharmaceutical Report

Biomtrcs  	Biometrics

BiomtrcJ  	Biometrical Journal

BIStIn		Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute

BritJMedEd  	British Journal of Medical Education

BritMedJ	British Medical Journal

BritMedJObGy  	British Medical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

BullIntSt	Bulletin Institute of International Statistics

BullIMA		Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and 
		Its Applications

BullMAI		Bulletin of Mathematical Association of India

BullPsySoc	Bulletin of the Psychonomics Society

BullTeachgSt	Bulletin on Teaching of Statistics in the Health 

Byte		Byte

		California Mathematics Council Communicator

Cancer		Cancer

CanJPubH	Canadian Journal of Public Health

CanTrRpt	Cancer Treatment Report

Chance		Chance

Chemieunterr	Chemie und Technik in der Landwirtschaft und 
		Genossenschaftiche Ratschlaege

ChemWk		Chemical Week

Circulation	Circulation

CirRes		Circulation Research

ClassMetDaAn	Classification and Related Methods of Data Analysis, 
		H.H. Bock (Ed.), North Holland, Amsterdam, The 

ClaComNws	Classroom Computer News

CleHou		Clearing House

ClnRxTrp	Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

CmpHumSer	Computers in Human Services

Cogn		Cognition

CogIn		Cognition and Instruction

CogPsy		Cognitive Psychology

CollMaJ		The College Mathematics Journal

CollMcmp	Collegiate Microcomputer

CollNewsViews	Collegiate News and Views

CommMed		Community Medicine

CommStA		Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods

Comp		Compute

CompBioMed	Computers in Biology and Medicine

CompBioRes	Computers in Biomedical Research

CompEd		Computers in Education: Proceedings of the Third 
		World Conference on Computers in Education, B. Lewis 
		and D. Tagg (Eds.), Lausanne, Switzerland

CompGeo		Computers and Geosciences

CompIntMSt	Computer Intensive Methods in Statistics, W. Hardle 
		and L. Simar (Eds.), Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 

CompNurse	Computers in Nursing

CompStQ		Computational Statistics Quarterly

CompTchr	Computer Teacher

CompUnCur	Computers in Undergraduate Curriculum

ContEdPsy	Contemporary Educational Psychology

ContCliTr	Controlled Clinical Trials

CreaComp	Creative Computing

DecisnSc  	Decision Sciences

DerChem  	Der Chemieunterricht 

DevelSchlMathEd	Developments in School Mathematics Education Around 
		the World, I. Wirszup and R. Streit (Eds.), National 
		Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, Virginia, 

DevMedChiNeur	Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology

DidakMath	Didaktik der Mathemaik

DistEd		Distance Education

DrIJ		Drug Information Journal

EdDentAux	Educational Direction in Dental Auxiliary

EdPsyMeas	Educational and Psychological Measurements

EdStuMath  	Educational Studies in Mathematics

EduRes		Educational Research

EDVMedBio	EDV in Medizin und Biologie

EhrGrun		Ehrenwirth Grundschulmag 

EhrHau 		Ehrenwirth Hauptschulmag

EncyStatSc	Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, S. Kotz and 
		N.L. Johnson (Eds.), John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 
		New York, U.S.A.

ErzBer  	Erziehungswiss Beruf 

Estd		Estadistica

EurJEngEdu	Eurpean Journal of English Education

EurJOR		European Journal of Operation Research

EurJScEd	European Journal of Science Education

EvalProPlan	Evaluation and Program Planning

ExpAg		Experimental Agriculture

FedProc		Federation Proceedings

FJEduRes	Florida Journal of Education Research

GaSSJ		Georgia Social Science Journal

GujStRvw	Gujrat Statistical Review

HaBkResMaTchLrn	Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and 
		Learning, D.A. Grouws (Ed.), MacMillan, New York


HarEdRvw	Harvard Educational Review

HospPhy		Hospital Physician

ICUT  		Improving College and University Teaching, Oregon 
		State University, Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A.

IJCmpAdEdTr	International Journal of Computers in Adult Education 
		and Training

IJEduRes	International Journal of Education Research

IJForcst	International Journal of Forecasting

IJMaEdST	International Journal of Mathematical Education in 
		Science and Technology

IMSBull		IMS Bulletin

IncStstcian	Incorporated Statistician

Inst		Instructor

InsMaScInt	Insegnamento della Mathematicae dell Science 

Interfaces	Interfaces

IntEcoRvw	International Economic Review

IntJOrthodo	International Journal of Orthodontics

IntJourEpi	International Journal of Epidemiology

IntJourGameT	International Journal of Game Theory

IntJourNurStu	International Journal of Nursing Studies

IntStEdNews	International Statistical Education Newsletter

IntStRvw  	International Statistical Review

ISIS: OJHSS	ISIS: Official Journal of the History of Science 

JAMA		Journal of the American Medical Association

JapJAppStat	Japanese Journal of Applied Statistics

JAmSocInfSci	Journal of the American Society for Information 

JAppStat	Journal of Applied Statistics

JASA		Journal of the American Statistical Association

JBioEdu		Journal of Biological Education

JBusEcoSt	Journal of Business and Economic Statistics

JCAL		Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

JChroDis  	Journal of Chronic Diseases

JColUniPerAss	Journal of the College and University Personnel 

JCommHealth	Journal of Community Health

JCompMaScT	Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science 

JCrimJust	Journal of Criminal Justice

JDentEd   	Journal of Dental Education

JEcEd		Journal of Economic Education

JEcoPers	Journal of Economic Perspectives

JEdCompRes	Journal of Educational Computing Research

JEdPsych	Journal of Educational Psychology

JEdRes		Journal of Educational Research

JEdStat   	Journal of Educational Statistics

JEgyptPHA	Journal of Egyptian Public Health Association

JExpEd		Journal of Experimental Education

JGeoHiEdu	Journal of Geography in Higher Education

JGeolEd		Journal of Geology Education

JGepsy		Journal of General Psychology

JHEG		Journal of Higher Education in Geography

JIndMedA	Journal of Indian Medical Association

JLibAdm		Journal of Libray Administration

JMarkRes	Journal of Marketing Research

JMedEd		Journal of Medical Education

JMedSys		Journal of Medical Systems

JNucMed		Journal of Nuclear Medicine

JNurAdm		Journal of Nursing Administration

JOffStat	Journal of Official Statistics

JQualTek  	Journal of Quality Technology

JRCP		Journal of the Royal College of Physicians

JResMathEd	Journal for Research in Mathematics Education

JRSS-A		Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A

JRSS-B		Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B

JRSS-C		Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C

JStatCompSim	Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation

JStEd		Journal of Statistics Education (Electronic Journal)

JStrLearn	Journal of Structural Learning

JudUnc		Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristic and Biases, 
		D. Kahneman, P. Slovic and A. Tversky, (Eds.), 
		Cambridge University Press, New York, U.S.A.

KorApS		Korean Journal of Applied Statistics

Lancet		Lancet

LehrAkt		Lehrmittel Aktuell

LerUnt		Lernzielorient Unterr 

LibAdmMan	Library Administration and Management

MaCompEd	Mathematics and Computer Education

MaEdStPrApp	Mathematics Education, Stochastic Processes and 
		Their Applications, Fifteenth Conference, July 1985, 
		T. Hida and A. Shimizu (Eds.), Nagoya, Japan

MaSpctrm  	Mathematical Spectrum

MatHor		Math Horizon

MathDid		Mathematica Didactica

		Mathematics Education in Secondary Schools and 
		Two-year Colleges, P.J. Campbell and L.S. 
		Grinstein (Eds.), Garland, New York

MathGaz		Mathematical Gazette

MathMag		Mathematical Magazine

MathPed		Mathematique et Pedagogie

MathSch 	Mathematics in School

MathScNews	Mathematics Conference Board of the Mathematical 
		Sciences Newsletter

MathScntst	Mathematical Scientist

MathTchr  	Mathematics Teacher

MathTeachg  	Mathematics Teaching

Matunt		Der Mathematische und Naturwissenschaftliche 

MayoClProc	Mayo Clinic Proceedings

MedClin 	Medicina Clinica, Barcelona

MedEd		Medical Education

MedTeacher	Medical Teacher

MedUseStat	Medical Uses of Statistics, J.C. Bailar III, and 
		F. Mosteller (Eds.), New England Journal of Medicine, 
		Waltham, Massachusetts

MethInfMed	Methods of Information in Medicine

MkgMoneySt	Making Money with Statistics, P. Holmes (Ed.), 
		Teaching Statistics Trust, Sheffield, U.K.

MNU		der Mathematische und Naturwissen Schaftliche 

MoHolAlumQuart	Mount Holyoke Alumni Quarterly

Nature		Nature

NCTM		National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

NCTMYrBk88	The Ideas of Algebra: 1988 Yerabook of the National 
		Council of Teachers of Mathematics, A. Coxford and 
		A.P. Shulte (Eds.), National Council of Teachers 
		of Mathematics, Reston, Virginia, U.S.A.

NEngJMd   	New England Journal of Medicine

NeuSur		Neurosurgery

NutInt		Nutrition International

NYStstcian	The New York Statistician

NZlndStat  	New Zealand Statistician

OptStrSpo	Optimal Strategies in Sports, R.E. Machol (Ed.), 
		North Holland, New York, U.S.A.

OR/MS		OR/MS Today

ORNLRvw		Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review

OrthClAm	Orthopedic Clinics of North America

OxBullEcSt	Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics

PAnMtgIGPME16	Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the 
		International Group for Psychology in Mathematical 

Parab		Parabola

PattrnRc	Pattern Recognition

PBerkSymp  	Proceedings of the Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical 
		Statistics and Probability, J. Neyman (Ed.), 
		University of California Press, Berkeley and Los 
		Angeles, California, U.S.A.

PCompScSt3  	Computer Science and Statistics: Proceedings of 
		the 3rd Annual Symposium on the Interface

PCompScSt6  	Computer Science and Statistics: Proceedings of 
		the 6th Annual Symposium on the Interface

PCompScSt7  	Computer Science and Statistics: Proceedings of 
		the 7th Annual Symposium on the Interface, Iowa 
		State University, Iowa, U.S.A.

PCompScSt8  	Computer Science and Statistics: Proceedings of 
		the 8th Annual Symposium on the Interface, 
		University of California, Los Angeles, California, 

PCompScSt10  	Computer Science and Statistics: Proceedings of 
		the Tenth Symposium on the Interface, D. Hogben 
		and D.W. Fife (Eds.), U.S. Government Printing 
		Press, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

PCompScSt17  	Computer Science and Statistics: Proceedings of 
		the 17th Annual Symposium on the Interface, D.M. 
		Allen (Ed.), North Holland, Amsterdam

PCompScSt18  	Computer Science and Statistics: Proceedings of 
		the 18th Annual Symposium on the Interface, T. 
		Boardman (Ed.), American Statistical Association, 
		Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A.
PCompScSt21  	Computer Science and Statistics: Proceedings of 
		the 21st Annual Symposium on the Interface, L. 
		Malone (Ed.), American Statistical Association, 
		Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A.

PCompScSt25  	Computer Science and Statistics: Proceeding of 
		the 25th Annual Symposium on the Interface, M.E. 
		Tarter and M.D. Lock (Ed.), Interface Foundation 
		of North America, Fairfax Station, Virginia, U.S.A.

PCompStat3	Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Computational 
		Statistics, L.C.A. Corsten and J. Hermans (Eds.), 
		Physica-Verlag, Vienna, Austria

PCompStat5	Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Computational 
		Statistics, L.C.A. Corsten and J. Hermans (Eds.), 
		Physica-Verlag, Vienna, Austria

PCompStat7	Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Computational 

PCompStat11	Proceedings of the Eleventh Symposium on Computational 
		Statistics, R. Dutter and W. Grossman (Eds.), 
		Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany

PConfTeachSt1	Proceedings of the First Conference on the Teaching 
		of Statistics, E. Nouri (Ed.), State University of 
		New York, Oneonta, New York, U.S.A.

PConfTeachSt2	Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Teaching 
		of Statistics, E. Nouri (Ed.), State University of 
		New York, Oneonta, New York, U.S.A.

PEuSympSt 	Proceedings of the European Symposium on Biostatistics/ 
		Medical Statistics, J. Adam and E. Hiller (Eds.), 
		Humboltt University, Berlin, Germany

PerContmst	Persspectives on Contemporary Statistics, D.C. Hoaglin 
		and D.S. Moore (Eds.), Mathematical Association of 
		America, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

PercPMtr	Perceptual and Motor Skills

PerPsy		Personnel Psychology

PhilSc		Philosophy of Science

PhyTchr		Physics Teacher

PhyThep   	Physical Therapy

PIConfMaEd3	Proceedings of the Third International Conference 
		of Mathematics Education, Warwick, U.K. 

PIConfMaEd4	Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress 
		on Mathematical Education, M. Zwing et al. (Eds.), 
		Birkhauser, Boston, Massachussets, U.S.A.

PIConfMaEd7	Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference 
		for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Israel

PICTeachSt2	Proceedings of the Second International Conference 
		on Teaching Statistics, R. Davidson and J. Swift (Eds.), 
		University of Victoria Conference Services, Victoria, 
		British Columbia, Canada

PICTeachSt3	Proceedings of the Third International Conference 
		on Teaching Statistics, D. Vere-Jones (Ed.), 
		International Statistical Institute, Voorberg, 
		The Netherlands 

PICTeachSt4	Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference 
		on Teaching Statistics, Y. Escoufier and A. 
		El-Ghazali (Eds.), International Statistical 
		Institute, Voorberg, The Netherlands 

PIEEE		Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and 
		Electronic Engineers

PiMuEpsJ	Pi Mu Epsilon Journal

PNECC		Proceedings of the National Education Computing 

PPacStCong	Proceeding of the Pacific Statistical Congress, 
		I.S. Francis, B.F.J. Manly and F.C. Lam (Eds.), 
		North-Holland, Amsterdam

PraxMath	Praxis der Mathematik 

PrenMedMex	Prensa Medica Mexicana 

Prim		Primarst

PRIMUS		Problems, Resources and Issues in Mathematics 
		Undergraduate Studies

ProAIStat2	Artificial Intelligence and Statistics II. 
		Proceedings of the Second International Conference, 
		D.J. Hand (Ed.), J.C. Baltzer AG Scientific 
		Publishing Co., Basel, Switzerland

ProICOTSt2	Training Teachers to Teach Statistics: Proceedings 
		of the International Statistical Institute Round 
		Table Conference, Budapest, Hungary, July 23-27, 1988. 
		A. Hawkins (Ed.), International Statistical Institute, 
		Voorburg, The Netherlands

ProICOTSt3	Introducing Data Analysis in the Schools: Who Should 
		Teach It and How? Proceedings of the International 
		Statistical Institute Round Table Conference, 
		Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada, August 10-14, 1992. 
		L. Pereira-Mendoza (Ed.), International Statistical 
		Institute, Voorburg, The Netherlands

ProIslmSt3	Proceedings of the Third Islamic Countries 
		Conference on Statistical Sciences, M. Ahmad (Ed.), 
		Islamic Society of Stattistical Sciences, Lahore, 

ProcASLIP	Proceedings of an ASLIP (Association of Statistics 
		Lecturers in Polytechnics) Conference, R. Croasdale 
		(Ed.), Cheshire, U.K.

ProFSMIntAstEd	Proceedings of the First Meeting, International 
		Association for Statistical Education, L. Brunelli 
		and G. Cicchitelli (Eds.), University of Perugia, 
		Perugia, Italy

ProcItlSS	Proceedings of the Italian Statistical Society

PRoySocMed	Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine

PsychBu   	Psychological Bulletin

PsyMed		Psychological Medicine

PsyMet		Psychometric Methodology: 7th European Meeting of 
		the Psychometric Society, R, Steyer, K.F. Wender 
		and K.F. Widaman (Eds.), Trier, Germany.

PSympInt12	Proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium on the 
		Interface, J.F. Gentleman (Ed.), University of 
		Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

PTeachPot	Proceedings of Teaching to Potential, New Mexico 
		State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, U.S.A.

PWshpTeachSt	Proceedings of the Workshop on the Teaching of 
		Statistics, State University of New York, Oneonta, 
		New York, U.S.A.

QApplMa		Quarterly of Applied Mathematics

QStMaA		Quaderni di Statistica e Matematica Applicata alle 
		Scienze Economico-Sociali, University of Trento, 
		Facolta de Economia e Commercio, Dipartimento di 
		Methodi Quantitativi, Libera University degli Studu 
		di Trento, Trento, Italy.

QualEn		Quality Engineering

QualPr		Quality Progress

RanWaPhyBioSc	Random Walks and Their Applications in the Physical 
		and Biological Sciences, M.F. Shlesinger and B.J. 
		West (Eds.), American Institute of Physics, New York

ResNurHlth	Research in Nursing and Health

ResQExSports	Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports

RivStAppl	Rivista di Statistica Applicata

RptJUSE		Reports of Statistical Application and Research, 
		Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers

RptRSS		Report of a Joint Working Party, Royal Statistical 

RptStBus2	Report of the Second Annual Conference on Making 
		Statistics More Effective in Schools of Business, 
		S. Chatterjee and A. Tenenbein (Eds.), Graduate 
		School of Business Administration, New York 
		University, New York

RSSNN		Royal Statistical Society News and Notes

RTDE		Research Teaching in Development Education

Sankhya		Sankhya: Indian Journal of Statistics

SAS.SUGI4	Proceedings of the 4th SAS Users Group 
		International Conference

SAS.SUGI5	Proceedings of the 5th SAS Users Group 
		International Conference

SAS.SUGI11	Proceedings of the 11th SAS Users Group 
		International Conference

SAS.SUGI12	Proceedings of the 12th SAS Users Group 
		International Conference

SAS.SUGI15	Proceedings of the 15th SAS Users Group 
		International Conference

SAS.SUGI17	Proceedings of the 17th SAS Users Group 
		International Conference

SAS.SUGI18	Proceedings of the 18th SAS Users Group 
		International Conference

SchCounWkP	Schools Council Working Paper 69, Methuen 
		Educational, London, U.K.

Schol		Scholle

SchSciMa  	School Science and Mathematics

Science		Science

SciAct		Scientific Activities

SciAme		Scientific American

SciInfDatAnRob	Scientific Inference, Data Analysis, and 
		Robustness, G.E.P. Box, T. Leonard and C.F. Wu 
		(Eds.), Academic Press, New York

SciRes		Scientific Research

ShouldGiantNum	On the Shoulder of Giants: A New Approach to 
		Numeracy, L. Steen (Ed.), Mathematical Association 
		of America, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.


Simltn		Simulation

SimGam		Simulation and Games


SITConfSt2	Proceedings of the Second International Tampere 
		Conference in Statistics, T. Pukkila and S. Putanen 
		(Eds.), University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland

SocScCmpR	Social Science Computer Review

StAltly		Statistica Applicata

Stat21stCent	Statistics for the Twenty First Century, S P. 
		Gordon and F.S. Gordon (Eds.), Mathematical 
		Association for America, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Stata		Statistica

StatMed   	Statistics in Medicine

StatMedRsr  	Statistics in Medical Research, V. Mike and K.E. 
		Stanley (Eds.), John Wiley and Sons, New York

StatNeer	Statistica Neerlandica

Stats		Stats: The Magazine for Students of Statistics

StatSc		Statistical Science

StatSchLevel	Statistics at the School Level, Proceedings of the 
		Third ISI Round-Table Conference on the Teaching 
		of Statistics, 1975, L. Rade (Ed.), Almquist, Sweden

StatSoftNews	Statistical Software Newsletter 

Steno 		Stenographielehrer 

StochSchule  	Stochastik in der Schule 

Ststcian  	The Statistician

Syllabus	Syllabus

TchngStSch  	Teaching Statistics in Schools Throughout the World, 
		Vic Barnett (Ed.), International Statistical 
		Institute, Voorburg, The Netherlands

TeachgMaApp	Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications

TeachgPsy	Teaching of Psychology

TeachgSoc	Teaching Sociology

TeachgSt  	Teaching Statistics

Technmcs  	Technometrics

TropAg		Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad)

TwoCMJ		Two Year College Mathematics Journal


UnivStatEd	Modern Interdisciplinary University Statistics 
		Education, Proceedings of a Symosium, Committee 
		on Applied and Theoretical Statistics, National 
		Academy of Science Press, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

VirJSci 	Virginia Journal of Science

WestJNurRes	Western Journal of Nursing Research

WHealthFor  	World Health Forum

WhiStatEd	Whither Statistical Education, Centre for 
		Statistical Education, University of Sheffield, 
		Sheffield, U.K.

WnSmltnC91	1991 Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings, 
		B.L. Nelson, W.D. Kelton and G.M. Clark (Eds.), 
		Association for Computimg Machinery, New York, 

ZdrfRF		Zdravookhranenie Rossiiskoi Fedratsii 

ZenDidMath  	Zentralblatt fur Didaktik der Mathematik

Hardeo Sahai
Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Medical Sciences Campus
University of Puerto Rico
San Juan, PR 00936

Anwer Khurshid
Department of Mathematical Statistics and Operational Research
University of Exeter
Department of Statistics
University of Karachi
PC 75270

Satish Chandra Misra
Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
8800 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
The American University
Washington, DC

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