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Thursday, October 7
Thu, Oct 7, 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
Building Your Influence

Stand Up to Stand Out: Self-Advocacy for the Reluctant (309933)

*Susan Morris, Susan Morris Coaching 

Keywords: Self-promotion, visibility, influencing, career limiting myths, asking

Many talented scientists and technical professionals abide by the myth that it’s unbecoming to talk about their accomplishment. Often heard is this career limiting belief: my good work should speak for itself. This disinclination among STEM women to self-promote has far-reaching consequences. Reluctance to self-advocate can affect getting promotions, negotiations on work schedules, salary and being considered for high visibility assignments. The purpose of this workshop is to uncover the benefits of advocating for oneself and explore alternative behaviors to bragging and boasting. Participants anticipate and overcome objections and tell their story of triumph with confidence. Most importantly, participants practice asking for a deserved promotion and get in the moment input from peers and feedback from the workshop facilitator.