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Friday, October 2
Fri, Oct 2, 11:40 AM - 12:55 PM
Promoting Mentor-Mentee Relationships: An Effective Strategy to Enhance Pipeline Initiatives to Increase Diversity in (Bio)Statistics and Data Science

Promoting Mentor-Mentee Relationships: An Effective Strategy to Enhance Pipeline Initiatives to Increase Diversity in (Bio)Statistics and Data Science (309569)

Leslie Ain McClure, Drexel University, Dornsife School of Public Health 
Scarlett Bellamy, Drexel University, Dornsife School of Public Health 
*Emma Benn, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 
Rebecca Betensky, NYU School of Global Public Health 
Randi Garcia, Smith College 
Loni Philip Tabb, Drexel University, Dornsife School of Public Health 

Keywords: diversity, mentorship, statistics, data science, mathematics

Biostatisticians with advanced degrees are highly sought after. Employment opportunities in the fields of mathematics and statistics are expected to increase dramatically by 2028. The underrepresentation of minorities in (bio)statistics has been a persistent problem, yielding a demographic landscape that differs substantially from the general US population. In order to ensure robust scientific advancement, there must be a concerted effort to address the inadequate (and leaking) pipeline of intellectually talented persons who are interested in careers in (bio)statistics. Prior research has suggested that programs aimed at increasing engagement and success of minorities in STEM are most effective when they promote the development of quality mentor-mentee relationships. The overarching goal of this session is to disseminate evidence of the effectiveness of pipeline initiatives that aim to increase diversity in (bio)statistics, data science, and the mathematical sciences more broadly and build sustainable mentor-mentee relationships that can ensure success throughout the various stages of one’s educational and professional journey.